[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds

Start from the beginning

Bridgette: "So we won't be killing anything?"

Chris: "Negatory, this is the first ever paintball deer hut! I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods, so- finish brekkie!"

[You all hear Owen burp and look over and see he's eaten all of the cans of beans.]

Owen: "Ahhhh, got any more?"


Chris: "And now for the team breakdowns, the Killer Bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette." He tosses three out of the four green paintball guns to them.

Chris: "And using orange paint, are the Gopher hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, and Lindsay." [He tosses the red paint ball guns to them.]

Owen: "Waahooo! This is awesome man!" 

[Suddenly, Chris gets an idea.]

Chris: "Okay, to even out the teams, as well as to make this a little more interesting, Gwen!" [He points over to her.] "You'll be the fourth hunter for the Killer Bass!" [He throws the last green paintball gun over to her.] "Luckily, you'll only have to work with them for this challenge only!"

Gwen: "And why would I want to hunt and shoot my own team members?"

Chris: "I knew you'd say that! That's why I've given you a target! Shoot that target, and your team gets an extra two points! But, if anyone on the Killer Bass's team shoots the target, they get the two extra points! You also get a special yellow paint for your gun, to prove that you actually hit them!"

Gwen: "Heh, this shouldn't be that bad." [She gives you a smile as you return it.]

Chris: "Only- your target is-" [He pauses to add dramatic tension.]





Chris: "(Y/N)!"

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "Ohhh man. You have got to be kidding me!! I have to shoot my own boyfriend with a paintball gun!?"


(Y/N): "I just hope she doesn't hit any sensitive areas." [You say worriedly.]


[Everyone gasps in shock as you and Gwen look at each other nervously.]

Chris: "You also get these styling glasses and wicked camo caps! The rest of you, are now deer!" [You all just stand there in silence.]

Chris: "Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails!" [He turns around to show off the tail.]

Heather: "Yeah right! I am not wearing that!" 

Duncan: "There is no way I'm a deer." [Chris puts a pair of deer antlers on his head as well as putting a red nose him.]

Chris: "Take these off and your team is toast!"

Chris: "Target!" [He points to you.] "You get a one minute head start, once everyone's ready. I recommend finding a really good place to hide brah! And I should warn you, paintballs hurt, a lot!"

*Mini Timeskip*

[As you're putting on the deer tail, Gwen walks over to you, dressed in the aforementioned cap and goggles.]

Gwen: "I've gotta say, you look absolutely adorable with that on~" [She says smiling while blushing, you can't help but look away- embarrassed. You then look back at Gwen.]

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