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I decided to change up what music I was listening to. I'm going to do that now every once in a while. today, I switched to listening to a female singer called 'Ashnikko'; some of her songs are actually amazing! I noticed a couple are about her having a crush on a girl which made me love her music even more. I guess I sang a little too loudly because I ended up waking up most of the others in the room. 

"keep it down, would ya?!" changbin exclaims angrily.

"fine I'll quiet down..." I say walking over to the kitchen. I go straight to the fridge and grab my usual fruits for a smoothie. suddenly, I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look over to the side and see hyunjin right behind me. 

"I heard you all the way from my room, you know." he says smiling.

"was I really that loud?! wow, I didn't think that..." 

he laughs. I continue making my smoothie with him watching me - not in a creepy way, obviously. I can't stop thinking about this one song: Wonderland by AleXa. I know it's a k-pop song, but it's just stuck in my head, especially the chorus. that just has nothing to do with anything, I know, but I just wanted to point that out. although, my heart tells me it's another reason I have such songs that are about love always, and near hyunjin...

'off with your head, stop thinking I love ya

I sit down with my smoothie and drink it up surprisingly quickly. today, we've got a free day so we can do anything we want. 

"hey, you wanna go out somewhere today?" I ask hyunjin. 

"sure, maybe to the park for a walk?" he suggests and I nod

"okay, let's get dressed and go" I say with a smile. I head back into my bedroom to pick my clothes, then rush to the bathroom to change. today was meant to be chillier than yesterday, so I made sure to pick out some warmer clothes. a few minutes later, I got out of the bathroom and saw hyunjin, in his coat, standing at the door excitedly, waiting for me. I smiled at him and put on my coat and shoes.

"you ready to go?" he asks ecstatically.

"sure am" i smile. i go over to him and grab hold of his arm. i announce to the others that we are leaving, just so they know and don't get worried. as we exit, this weird mixture of happiness, nervousness and excitement fill me. hyunjin turns his head to face me and asks if i want to go for coffee before we head to the park. i stare at him for a little while. i stare into his glowing brown eyes... his hair flowing in the wind... he's just so... so... 

"hello?? earth to felix!" hyunjin calls as he shakes me back into  reality. 

"oh, gosh, sorry- but yeah i'd love to get some coffee. i've been living off smoothies for the past year and a half. should we go to the nearest starbucks available?" 

"sure" he humbly smiles and leads me off gently to the starbucks across the road. trying our best to be as fast and as secretive as possible, we cross the road briskly and sprint into the shop wearing masks, hoods and sunglasses paired with dark clothes - just to not get spotted by paparazzi. here we are. out together. just us two. on a coffee "date"- wait- DATE?! why the hell would i say "date"?! no- this is just two friends out together on a walk. we're just HANGING OUT.


"i'll have a latte please. he'll have a-" 

"matcha latte, thanks"

we order our coffee and find the most isolated table in the facility. i can't stop thinking about a certain song when i'm near felix. it's called 'for your love' by 'måneskin'. it's so weird... i only think of this song near him and not near any other person or skz member. could it mean something that we are both too blind to see and too dumb to realise? i hope not- or i hope so? i'm not too sure how to feel about this...

as we sit down, i stare at felix square in the eyes for a solid ten minutes admiring him. his brown beautiful eyes, spotted freckles and messy hair all got me staring at him for ages. 

"order number 62 for hyunjin and felix! ready to pick up!" the lady behind the counter yells for the whole entire world to hear. as we go to get our coffee, we can hear muffled screams and see the brightness of flashes on phones. great, now people know we're here. i grab the coffee, then felix's hand and run out of the shop. i take him into the lonely, abandoned park near our house that nobody ever goes to anymore. we walk slowly through the park, viewing the amazing scenery before us. i'd never noticed this side of the city, we've always been in crowded, people-infested areas and never in small, greenery-filled areas like this park. we sit down at a bench and watch the grass and flowers sway in the wind, tree leaves blow off the branches and onto the floor and hear the birds chirp merrily in the trees. lie couldn't be more perfect at this moment. i turn over to felix and stare at him again. i don't know what got into me at that moment but i did something i probably shouldn't have...


we were sitting on the bench, watching nature do its thing when hyunjin turned over to me. he grabbed my chin and turned my head over to face him. i tried to speak but he shushed me before i could even manage to get a single sound out of my mouth. his other hand went around me and pulled me closer over to him. we were literally 3cm apart from touching when he pressed his lips against mine. all i felt at that moment was ecstasy and pure bliss. i was so happy this was finally happening for some reason. was this why i felt so weird around hyunjin? was it because i have feelings for him? it might just have been because i've only ever felt like this with my past relationships and crushes. how could i not have noticed this earlier? was i just too  dumb and blind to? these burning questions i have will never be answered...

"w-wow... i wasn't expecting that-" i say nervously as i pull away from him.

"oh- i'm so sorry- i shouldn't have- i feel bad for doing that now- oh gosh-" he stutters but i cut him off with: "it's fine, don't worry. i actually enjoyed that..."

"so, you wouldn't mind doing it again?" he asks excitedly.

"i wouldn't" i smile and he pulls me in again, this time the kiss was longer and deeper. it was getting closer and closer to our curfew time and before we realised we had to go home. holding hands, we went all the way back home without any paparazzi people catching us. 

that...was fun...

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