The Imprisoned

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Venom listened to the small chatter ahead in the truck. She looked up at the roof so she could take a peek out of the blindfold, angling her head.

Suddenly, she saw someone climbing out of their seat and going towards Venom. As the figure used the seats to balance themselves in the moving truck, Venom lowered her head.

"Venom." the man said.

Venom took a deep breath as she was afraid to what was about to happen to her.

"I know you and you know me. You just haven't seen me yet." the man stated.

Venom stayed silent, her breathing heavy.

"Now, I'll take your blindfold off. But first, I wanna give you some clues as to who I am and you have two guesses."

Venom remained quiet-

"Answer me, bitch." the man's voice commanded, his hand against her neck.

"Yes! Yes, sir!" Venom said out of fear, her voice cracking.

The man removed his hand from her neck. "Me and you have battled before. Me and you were separated from our teammates. Me and you... have hatred inside us."

Venom started thinking for a few seconds until she realized she owed nothing to this man.

"What's your first guess?" the man questioned.

"Fuck you." Venom hissed.

She was suddenly slapped. The taste of blood filled her mouth as a hand grabbed her face, mushing her cheeks.

Her head was turned back ahead as the man's chilling voice threatened, "One more fucking guess. I only gave you the choice to guess it so you can maybe earn some punishment off."

Venom panicked as she had no one in mind.

"We've fought and we both were isolated from others..."

"Are... are you from the city?" Venom asked, her heart dropping.

"Time's up. You didn't guess in time."

Venom was slightly relieved until she remembered he was going to show her his face.
"Wait, can I try guessing again--"
Venom's blindfold was snatched off. The truck's interior light shined on her face.

She squinted until she finally opened her eyes. Ahead was a man...

"Oh, my God..." Venom gasped.

"Surprise." Spide greeted.

Spide, the one from the city who ran away from her and Alex, stared at her with a grin. "Good to see you again."

"How the fuck did you find me? How are you even alive!?" Venom yelled.

"I have been waiting to see you again. Ever since you fucking chased me down in that truck. Ever since you and your bitch ass friends destroyed our home! Ever since... ever since you killed Desmond." Spide snapped.

She remembered what happened to Desmond. That moment so traumatizing.

"I didn't mean to kill him!" Venom sobbed.

She looked up after bawling in her arms to see a shock on Spide's face.

"You fucking killed him?" his voice broke.

Venom realized that he only knew her and the others had something to do with his death... not that she specifically killed Desmond.

"No, I didn't--"

Spide opened the door swiftly and kicked Venom out of the truck. She flew out and rolled over onto the ground, her arm being sliced open by a rock.

She lay on the ground as the sound of tires halting filled the woods. She looked ahead to see someone approaching her, the headlights making their figure pitch black.

Venom of the Dead - S2: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now