Physically and Mentally

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"'Denial; the action of declaring something to be untrue.' That's what I felt when I was told my husband was never seen before. Sure, I broke down and cried into my best friend's shoulder. But... I didn't give up."

Alex hugged her tight as she sobbed into his shoulder. Her cries were so loud and uncomforting. Cove stepped towards her.

"I can't believe he's really... dead!"

"I can't either. I'm so sorry, Venom." Alex comforted, or at least tried to.

Venom gripped her wedding photo and got up, leaving Alex on his knees. She holstered her knife and picked up the empty pistol Desmond left. Alex watched as she walked away from him.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked, getting off of his knees.

Venom answered while continuing to walk ahead, "To go find Archer." Alex and Cove turned to each other and back towards Venom.

Cove chased after her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. She stopped as he turned her around.

"Venom... Archer... you aren't going to find him." Cove informed softly.

Venom looked into his eyes, snatching her arm out of his hand. "Desmond told me he's never seen him before. But I can't take the word of some cocky asshole that I've known for an hour."

She turned back around towards the door but Alex called, "Venom, please!"

Venom stopped again. She turned to her side, avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry, Alex... but until I search this city, I'm not gonna believe Archer is dead."

She walked through the door, about to turn towards the stairs until she heard cries from another room. She put a halt to her steps and turned.

There was a door wide open. The whimpers were coming from inside there. She walked slowly towards it, slightly afraid of what she was about to see.

Turning the corner, a woman lay on her knees, crying as something in front of her. Or someone. Whatever it was, it was flat on the ground and built like a human. But that couldn't be anyone from our group... right?

Venom approached the woman, realizing it was Valerina. "Val?" she questioned, getting closer.

Venom froze. A lifeless body lay on the ground with a bullet through its head. Benji. The sound of Valerina's weeps in the background didn't help Venom process this.

She backed away, placing her hands on her stomach. She felt terrible... she felt the same as whenever she does when she has those visions of Archer.

Except... when she turned away... Desmond stood in front of her. "That's what you did to me. You killed me. You let me fall to my death! You're a murderer! And you're going to regret it... Venom."

Venom stood there, shocked. He stared into her eyes. She blinked one second, the next... he disappeared.

"V?" a voice hailed.

She looked ahead to see Alex approaching her, Cove next to him.

"Benji is dead." she acknowledged blankly.

Cove nodded sadly, Alex sighing. "Yes, we know..." Alex responded.

"Who killed him?" Venom asked.

Cove and Alex looked at each other. Cove turned to her first, opening his mouth. "Uh... Max. He attacked us... and got Benji. But I took care of him. He fell out the window."

"Just like Desmond." Venom stated, looking right at Cove.

"Yeah... just like Des--"

Venom walked towards them. They were confused until Venom bumped their shoulders as she walked through them.

Venom of the Dead - S2: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now