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"Finally! Took you guys a lot" Natsuko said as the trio entered the Agency

"Oh we actually already had a plan. We just got some snacks on the way" Ryutaro shaked the bag he was carrying

"But most of the stores close at 8:00. It's almost 9:30" Kunikida raised an eyebrow. Ryutaro simply took out a lollipop and started to eat it. Knowing he would never speak anything all eyes shifted to Alexis and Fumiya, who was carrying a lot of full bags in their arms. Fumiya whistled making the Cheshire next to him giggle

"Well~ Let's just say Fumiya's... talents managed to get us in" she smirked. This time the boy amusingly chuckled

"Anyways! You two are in charge of telling the plan. I'll get started on my work. When you finish come to help me" Alexis took two of the snack bags before asking Fadeyka to open a portal to where they were staying

"People gather up!" Ryutaro called everyone "Okay let's end this quickly I'm tired" he sighed

"Me too honestly" Yosano said

"Well some of you can go to sleep. I only need a few people for this" he said


"Because the government does not know what we are up to. Agency and Mafia has to act normal. I don't think people up there wouldn't like the top two strongest organisations in the city making an alliance with each other + a terrorist organisation"

"Makes sense. Who do you need for the mission?" Akeno asked

"Takashi-kun, Kenji-san, Kyouka-san and Atsushi-san" Ryutaro grabbed a daifuku

"What about us?!" Fadeyka whined "I wanna fight!"

"Nope. You're helping me" Alexis spoke from the phone. Who even called her? "I'll need a lot of tech and your ability is needed" she said

"Ah Rasputin's boots!" he folded his arms and sat down pouting

"What about us?" Shizuko repeated his question

"You'll help the Agency for the time being" Fumiya answered

"Since we stole their three members for our mission" Alexis continued. A few complaining came from the kids

"Or you could help DOA to keep him in his place" Ryutaro pointed at the Nikolai. The said man was trying to put mentos inside a fish which was filled with cola. Sigma was desperately trying stop him by taking the mentos from his hand but Nikolai was putting a fight. Meanwhile Fyodor was smiling to himself, recording their fight

"Help the Agency it is!" Shizuko sighed

"I have a faint idea what's going on. Send those videos" Alexis said. Dazai could swear she was smirking. Fyodor didn't answer but he send it anyways

"Okay... Now! The plan! It's actually simple" Ryutaro began "You four will go to the mountain they are hiding, destroy two crystals and bring one of them back. And if you can manage to capture an ability user Sigma-san can get some information out of him" he said. Sigma looked at his side. The mention of his name made him shocked and confused. So Nikolai managed to get his mentos back

 So Nikolai managed to get his mentos back

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