"HOLY CRAP!" Hangman quickly turns to avoid them. My heart pounds in my chest as I look frantically around for the other plane when I finally spot it,

"Maverick?!" I say.

"Not today, today I'm your enemy. If I get a lock on you, you go back to base." He says and we all nod.

"First one out does 100 pushups?" Payback says.

"Oh your so on!" Hangman says.

"Alright boys and girls, come get me." Maverick's plane drops below us all.

"He's under us, Hangman!" I yell.

"I think I can figure that out." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Phoenix, he's after you!" Sandra says a little too late as there's a loud beeping.

"Phoenix, you're out. Head back to base. Baywatch, Payback, you've just lost your wingman."

"DANG!" Phoenix shouts and heads back.

"He's onto us, Hangman!" I shout as I see Maverick's plane lower so it's right behind us.

"Not for long he's not." Hangman says and we suddenly shoot straight up, causing a heavy pressure to form in my chest.

"Uh...God..." I say as it gets harder to breathe.

"Your going too high, Hangman!! Go down now!!" Rooster says.

"Hangman! Get down!" Sandra yells with fear in her voice.

We suddenly drop slightly and I put my hands on the windows of the jet. There's a slight bang and engine 1 goes out,

"ENGINE 1 IS DOWN!!" I shout as I try to get it back up, "Cmon, cmon!!" I yell as I hit the button multiple times but nothing is happening, "Crap crap crap!!!" I yell as adrenaline and fear overtake my body.

"Pulling up!!" Hangman yells as he goes up, "Gaining altitude!"

The second engine blows and our plane starts free falling out of the sky uncontrollably,

"VAPOR!! HANGMAN!!!" Payback yells.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I scream as Hangman and I frantically try to get the engines back up and running.

"Vapor, EJECT!!" Hangman yells.

"IM NOT LEAVING YOU!" I yell back.

"On the count of three, 1 2 3 EJECT!!" We both pull down on the ropes above our heads but nothing happens.

"No no no!!!" I yell as I yank on it a few more times but it's unsuccessful. My stomach feels like it's in my chest as we spiral down towards the mountains below. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, waiting for the pain to hit me. "Hangman....." I say with a shaky voice, "It was a pleasure flying with you..."

"You as well, Vapor." He says as the ground comes closer and closer.

"No......." Sandra says.

"Holy crap...." Rooster whispers.

Just as we are about to crash, the engines come back on and Hangman quickly pulls up, causing us to just barely miss the mountain.

"Everyone back to the base." Maverick says and we all fly back and land safely. I unhook my helmet and stand up, my legs are shaking badly and they are sore from being so tense.

"Take my hand" Hangman says as I take his hand and he helps me out of the plane.

"I'm gonna be sick!" I say running off to the edge of the battle ship and gagging before throwing up. I suddenly feel a hand gently rub up and down my back as I continue to throw up,

"Your okay....." I hear Bob's soft voice say and my eyes grow wide. I look over at him and he smiles slight before pulling me into a tight hug, "I got you." He says as my body shakes in his arms.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Hangman shoves Maverick hard, "TAKE THAT PLANE?! TAKE THAT PLANE?!! YOU WANTED US TO DIE?!" He yells and we all watch them.

"No! I made you two work as a team! I made you two respect each other, to stop acting childish and start being mature and that's exactly what you two did. She wouldn't eject until she made sure you were going to also, and he made sure to let you know when to eject so you would live." He looks at me when he says the last part.

"You...did..this...?" I stutter trying to catch my breath as I hold onto Bob tightly.

"Yes." Maverick says back.

"You were willing to let us DIE in order to get some dumb point across?!" I yell, getting out of Bob's arms and rushing over to Maverick angrily.

"No, they were controlling your plane as soon as engine one went out. We knew exactly what we were doing." He says, "And you guys passed the test."

"VAPOR!!" Baywatch yells running over to me and wrapping me in a hug and I hug her back. "Holy smokes that was INSANE." She says.

"You should go make sure Hangman is okay." I smirk and wink at her and she smiles widely,

"Okay!" She walks over casually to him and I see them talking.

"You alright?" Rooster asks me as he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to his side and I nod.

"Remind me to never get into another plane" I joke, causing him to laugh, and we are soon joined by the rest of the crew.

"WHO WANTS SOME DRINKS?!" Rooster shouts and everyone cheers.

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