Chapter Eleven

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She wasn't the same person as before. She wasn't how he remembered her when they first met, she wasn't so submissive. He didn't know how to refer to her. When they first met he was pretending to be someone he wasn't, now she's doing that same, she is acting completely out of character almost as if she isn't following his script. He was well aware that he took away her possessions, but only to test her; he didn't mean for her to totally lose herself in that process. There's nothing he can do about it now it seems, she's afraid of him and even he realizes that. It was a strange thing even after he told her what he'd been up to all those months ago she didn't shy away from him, she never saw him differently nor did she totally agree with him. Now she saw him for what he really was. Was she scared of him? He couldn't tell anymore he had no sympathy for who she was now. He started to think maybe this was the worst decision ever, at meetings she's silent, at deals she won't even look anyone in the eye. Melon knew this wouldn't be good for the company at any times after all they weren't well now that he was in charge but now she was here things were getting progressively worse to say the least. Everyone knew who she was, they knew she was a former boss and that didn't stop the rumors it simply encouraged the people to gossip more and more till the point of shaming her name. Normally this would make him beyond angry but now he could care less, she deserved the whispers in the streets the people giving her disgusted looks. He didn't care what they said about her now or what they did to her, he could care less if they were to throw shit at her while she walked the streets.

He hadn't spoken with her in some time, he had nothing to say to her and wanted nothing from her. He couldn't use her if she kept submitting to him for the first time he actually wanted someone to stand up to him, to tell him his ideas for the market were stupid. But to this day he got no retaliation from her only nods of agreement, it angered him more than anything. He didn't care about her anyone could see that, but for some reason he couldn't bring it upon himself to get rid of her something in his brain was telling himself that she could still be useful. He had a lot of sick ideas about what she could be useful for but none of them fit her ability, she was only a human in this world. Even as they all sat at the table for dinner he couldn't tell what she was thinking even as he stared bullets into her head, nothing.

I'm going to kill him. He'd been staring at you for well over a minute and it was boiling your blood, you thought after all of these weeks of acting weak around him that maybe he'd get rid of you and yet nothing. He still insisted on keeping you around even if that meant nothing would happen between the two of you. Your name was shit now everyone talked down about you besides a select few from the gang. You prayed that maybe it would convince him to kick you out or maybe even kill you. You weren't good for anything now and he knew that but still he wouldn't let you leave, even after you stopped talking to him and only ever nodded at every word he said, you never told him no or stuck up for yourself, like he always wanted but now he had it you amounted to nothing. You've spent month trying to figure out his mind but to no avail, the most you could do was become a complete ghost to him so maybe you could slip away and no one would care about where you've gone. That wasn't the case sadly, you've tried over a million times to leave and every time you were caught of convinced out of it and did you get scolded for it? No. The only thing Melon did was look down on you with a pitiful look that was enough for you to want to do it again until he finally killed you.

You realized that you never had a plan were you to ever escape, your hope was that he would kill you the moment he found out about your plans to leave simply because you were to much of a wuss to do it yourself. Only then did you realize the power this place had over you and what little power you had even your own body. The best part was about doing these things to yourself was no one cared anymore not only that but those who did care couldn't say anything. You felt as if you hadn't slept in days you felt like any moment you might fall to the ground, you always felt uneasy even at the best times which were very rare. All you had to eat were cantaloupes and most days you wouldn't even look at them, it didn't affect you as bad as it did the other lions you just couldn't stomach eating in front of anyone or at all. Normally that behavior would have been addressed by Melon but now he seems to enjoy it you know he takes pride out of seeing what your doing to yourself to hopefully wither away from this life. You didn't want to know what he was thinking but you also could help but wonder what everyone else was, you didn't even look at them anymore only listening to the hushed conversation about you whenever you got the chance, the only thing that sucked about it was not all of this was apart of your plan, most of your behavior became bad habits that you were to far in to fix. You moved slightly in your seat trying to get more comfortable as Melon wouldn't stop staring at you but he never looked away you could admit it was getting annoying over the past few days how he would always try and get a rise out of you, he must have known what you were doing. You hated thinking about it, you constantly wondering if you were acting weak or if you really were now. The line between the two was starting to blue together and you didn't know what would come of yourself if you kept this up. You isolated yourself from anyone always tried to seek invisible during meetings and patrol you didn't want anyone to notice you anymore for the soul purpose of Melon finally realizing you were now useless to him and that his plan wasn't going to work anymore.

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