Chapter Eight

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"Don't deny it." Louis told you the moment the two of you were alone.

You shifted in your place on the bed, "Who said I was going to?" You asked him keeping eye contact with him, "I hope you don't think I planned all of this to happen, Louis." You told him.

"You understand I'm doing this for you, right?" Louis began walking closer to your bed, "I could have let him kill you, you know that right?" He mentioned his tone sounding more angry with every word he said, "In what crazy world do you have to be living in for you to think I blame this on you? You were raised here, this is all you know. That's all he knows, of course I knew this want planned."

"Don't do that." You told him standing up from your bed as he drew closer to you.

"Do what?"

You crossed your arms looking around for a split second before your eyes fell back on him, "Don't compare me to him."

Louis disregarded what you said completely,"How could I not? You grew power hungry, that much I know."

"Don't act like you weren't, Louis." You said furrowing your eyebrows, "You can't tell me that when that's why you became the boss in the first place."

"That's what you think?" Louis asked a stepping closer to you, "Because you all totally didn't push me into doing it." He crossed his arms now much like she did.

You scoffed, "I wasn't pushing anything, I didn't want you here in the first place." Your own chest clenched at every word you said to him, you needed to make this easier. This was harder than what it should be, "I blame myself for this, for dragging you into it. Yet, I can't help but wonder why you agreed in the first place? We both know he wouldn't have kill me."

Louis made a face at you, "So now you're defending him? After all of the shit he's put you through you still stand at his side, I don't get it."

You paused for a minute taking in his words with a heavy heart, you swallowed hard before fighting him on it. "We can't be doing this, Louis. You shouldn't have to be here." You tried to steady your breathy once again and blinked away any thoughts of crying in front of him.

"I can say the same for you."

You turned away from him a hand running down your face, "You said it yourself, I was raised here!" You practically yelled turning back to him and he only listened, "You weren't. We aren't meant to be on the same side Louis, we can't be and that's just how things work! You and I both know that, we always knew deep inside this would never work out we knew that the moment you had to leave. We were born on two different sides, sides that were never meant to intersect." Louis only nodded at what you siad looking away from you his crossed arms were more a self hug.

"We can't do anything about it, you know that. We both do, if I could get us out of this situation I would hit there is nothing I can do and you can't do anything either."

You nodded in understanding, "That's what I mean, there is nothing for us to do so we end up on the same side. We aren't meant to be together, you and I need to see that." You looked away from him as well you chest feeling more tight than ever.

"Is that all? That's all you have to say to me after I risked everything for you?" Louis asked once her turned back to you.

"I didn't ask you for any of it, Louis. I never asked for you to come into my life and turn my world upside down," with every word you wished you could have taken them back, "I never asked you to kill the only person I get loved me, I never wanted you to sacrifice everything you had for my sake that never worked out in the end. I didn't ask you to fall in love with me! I didn't ask you to give me the best few months of my life I have ever lived." You stopped them tears threatening to fall out of your eyes, "You've given me enough Louis, you've risked everything you had for me and I can't watch you do it again." You walked closer to him, still blinking back tears as he only watched you come closer to him he too was pushing back tears, "I don't want you to have to do it all over again."

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