Chapter Six

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Melon woke up that morning to her already being up making coffee, he inhaled a deep breath before leaving the comfort of her bed and standing up stretching a bit. Melon peaked out of her room seeing her back turned towards him as she stood there slightly bent over on her phone as she waited for the coffee to be finished. He looked around the room before finding his button up shirt and throwing it back on, not long after that he found his pants and slid them on buttoning them up as well before slipping his shoes back on. Melon found his phone on her dresser checking the messages from all of the lions reporting back to him on important matter in which he groaned a bit. Melon walked out into the kitchen the sun hitting his eyes as he came up behind her placing his hands gently onto her hips. She only hummed as she took another sip from the mug, when he looked to the side he saw another mug already made for him, she knew what he had in his coffee grabbing it he took a sip not being able to fully taste the whole contents off it, most of the time is sucked being a hybrid.

"Any plans for today?" He asked her resting his head in the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms fully around her waist pulling her into him.

She sighed a bit before taking another sip of the coffee that she was starting not to like, she had the same thing every morning. "Might go shopping or something." She said quietly.

Melon only hummed in response as the two of them stayed there for a bit longer, "As much as I'd love to stay here with you," Melon said spinning her around to face him, "I have to get back to them." He said looking down at her seeing the tired lion in her eyes as he gently stroked the stray strands of hair away from her face before tucking them behind her ear. "Will you be alright?" He asked with a kind tone and she nodded, Melon smiled a bit before leaning down kissing the top of her head before having to pull away from her grabbing his coat and walking towards the door, his hand stopping at the doorknob as she watched from the counter. Melon looked back to her lightly clenching his jaw really not wanting to leave at that exact moment and she could sense that.

Melon walked back over to her before grabbing the side of her face and kiss her lips at first it was just a peck and then his hands started to tangle in her hair and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him more into her, Melon lifted her onto the counter with ease as he stood between her legs not daring to break the kiss. When he noticed his hands wondering up her thighs he stopped himself pulling away from her as she looked up at him, her arms now resting on his waist feeling his toned body.

"I'll text you later." Melon said as he walked back to the door trying to contain himself from walking back over to her, she had only turned her body slightly enough to side eye him as she nodded and then he was gone.

Once Melon made it down to the garage he pulled his car out and started heading the direction of the black market, Melon breathed deeply in and out over and over again. He hoped this would change things and that she'd finally see things for how they were. Melon wanted to believe that the only reason why he slept with her was to wrap her around his finger further more ensuring she'd never leave him for anyone, especially Louis. But another part of him believed that he was doing this sourly for himself and that he did have an actual attraction to her, but even years after trying to get his emotions under control it never worked and he always found himself doing reckless things and fucking with other peoples emotions to make up from him not feeling his own.

Melon headed back the the Shishigumi and soon found himself walking inside the familiar building once again, all of the lions were in the living room playing pool when he joined them. Only sitting on the couch far away from the rest of them, as he sat there drinking and processing everything he'd just done he caught Ibukims eyes on him in which he chose to ignore. Over time he'd gotten an ounce of respect for Ibuki, and the ways he cared for that deer. Melon would never admit it unless he was doing it for blackmail bug he knew what every lion was up to nowadays, he knew Ibuki went to see Louis every Friday night when he thought everyone was asleep. Melon knows that Free goes to a bar almost every Sunday to talk to some girl about his 'best friend' that died in a car accident, he'd admit that it did royalty piss him off how constantly Melon would hear Free babbling on about her. Apart of him always wanted to ask her about her relationship with Free, but never got to it. Free wasn't a threat to him, Agata could be however. The brat hardly took orders seriously and half nights Melon would spend beating authority into the kid, it wasn't because of how annoying Agata was but because he knows he liked her.

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