Chapter Seven

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When you returned you saw Louis looking out of the window and Melon looking down at his hands that were in his lap, they both turned once you walked inside of the living room, looking between both of them you couldn't decide whether or not they talked or just sat there awkwardly until you had gotten back. If you hadn't looked down you wouldn't have noticed it but Melon's gun was sitting on the coffee table not pointed at Louis but at the wall, you took a breath in and sat down where you had before. You once again looked between the two of them licking you lips nervously, you didn't know what to say in that moment but thankfully Melon did once Louis looked over to him.

Melon looked over to you then, "How do you feel about becoming apart of the Shishigumi again?" You only stared down at the floor seeing as Louis shifted once again on the couch it was only then you had noticed his prosthetic leg.

At his question you looked over at Louis and his eyes slowly met yours, "What do you mean?" You questioned looking back to Melon.

Melon took a deep breath haley of annoyance of having to explain this again, "I really got fucked over once you left the Shishigumi, it's obvious that none of those lions like me they never did and probably never will. For years I've tried to wiggle my way into the Shishigumi, then I met you." He told you his eyes never leaving yours, "You were my ticket to having the power I've chased after my whole life and I've somehow managed to screw it up."

"I don't get it." You told him once he finished.

Melon looked over to Louis nodding at him, which cause you to look over at Louis as well, he let out a shaky breath but tried to cover it quickly with a more forced inhale, "He wants the three of us to lead the Shishigumi." Louis finally told you. You understood now, Melon wanted the black market a certain way and didn't know the business too well, he only knew certain things because that's how he always lived his life. He couldn't manage the responsibility and pride at the same time, "He wants you to be the face of the Shishigumi." Louis finished.

You sat there thinking for a minute thinking about how you left the Shishigumi for a fresh start and to get out of the place you never left and now here you where nearly having no choice but to go back. "What if I don't?" You asked testing the limits that may have already been set, Louis gestured at the gun in front of both of them.

"Louis's already made up his mind." Melon told you as he leaned back in the chair waiting for an answer from you. She looked over at Louis as he looked back at her and Melon found their glances to one another rather annoying. "He said yes incase you were wondering." Melon spoke up trying to get this whole interaction over with.

You clenched your jaw and stood up, "Can i talk with you?" You asked looking down at Melon in which he stood up glancing at Louis, before picking his gun off of the coffee table and followed you into your bedroom. Melon sat down at the edge of your bed looking up at you as you stood at the door leaning on it looking down at the floor, "So," you started looking at him, "that was the whole reason why you were with me, huh?" You asked him with a grin of denial on your face, you kept eye contact with him for a long time before he finally said something.

"For the most part, yeah." Melon said plainly no hint of regret in his voice at all.

You shifted on your feet trying to think of something, "Why are you dragging him into it."

"The lions adore him, that obvious." Melon informed you with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Leave him out of it, asshole."

Melon stood up walking over to her watching as she made no move to get away from him only stood there with an angry look in her eyes, "Why? Because you love him, is that it?" He was now towering over her as she still stood her ground, "I really don't see why you keep trying with him, and besides I don't think he'd really want to be with you anymore after today." He watched as your expression changed, "You see, when you were having your little mental breakdown in the bathroom I decided why not have fun with the situation. Because I'm the boss of the Shishigumi I was given access to various files especially on you. I couldn't believe what I found." Melon smirked a bit as he watched her ego completely crumble.

Mark of Stars pt.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora