"HEY!" California exclaimed, throwing a pillow at Texas's face. The two of them began play fighting, until they noticed their dads car pull into the driveway.

"The babies are home!!!" California exclaimed excitedly. The two of them rushed outside and greeted their new siblings.

That night was a bit odd for California. Texas was sad to see his sister so confused about the changes to their home. He could tell that she hated how focused everyone seemed to be on the babies, but knew she felt bad admitting it, because she didn't want to act spoiled. So, that night after dinner, Texas grabbed some snacky snacks and chocolate milk, and went to her room.

"Whaaaaaaaat," California groaned when he knocked on the door.

"Be my frieeeeennnnddddd," Texas whined jokingly.

"Go awaaaaaayyyyyy," California said.

"I got food, lemme innnnnnnnn," Texas said. California opened the door, and was pleased to see that he wasn't lying. The two sat on Californias bed, and ate snacks while watching a movie on Texas's tablet.

"Soooo, you ok?" Texas asked as the movie finished.

"Mhm," California said.

"Are ya sure? You seem a bit lost," Texas said.

"Papá and dad are just kinda brain dead now... they're like, zombies who only care about keeping the babies happy... which is fine, but I still miss when things were normal," California said.

"Man, you are much better at words than I was when I was your age," Texas said.

"Well you're dumb, soooo...," California said, before smiling innocently. Texas laughed and gave his sister a lil shove.

"I know, I know... But I get what you're saying. I felt the same way when you were born... but... we're all kinda getting used to these new changes. It'll feel weird at first, but soon, you and your new quad-squad will be inseparable. Plus, you got a little sister, just like you wanted!" Texas exclaimed. California smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... it'll be fun to play barbies with Navada. Nate gets bored when we play," California said.

"That's because Nate is dumb," Texas said.

"Shut it," California said. Texas laughed, and California leaned onto him. "So... how is it being ten?" California asked.

"It's a lot like being nine, but it's a milestone I guess," Texas said. California sighed.

"You'll be thirteen soon enough... you won't wanna hang out with me anymore," California said.

"That's not true," Texas said.

"You know it is. You don't even let me play with you and your friends anymore," California said.

"Because, like I said, you get nightmares when you watch us play video games. Dad got real angry about it last time," Texas said. California sighed, and Texas could tell she was getting sleepy.

"I still miss hanging out... can we ride the horses again tomorrow?" California asked.

"Of course, now c'mon, it's bedtime," Texas said, getting up and tucking his sister into bed. "Good night Osita," Texas said.

"G'night Águilito," California mumbled, before dozing off. Texas walked across the hall to his bedroom, but decided to quickly go upstairs and check on his new siblings- and by extension, his parents.

He opened the door to the nursery, to find his dads and the surrogate mothers sleeping on the floor, each cradling a sleeping baby in their arms. Meanwhile, Spain was cleaning up the room.

"Everything ok, mi vida?" Spain asked.

"I just wanted to check on the babies," Texas said. Spain smiled.

"Everything is alright up here... come with me, your abuelito needs help down the stairs," Spain said. Texas lead Spain down to the guest bedroom he was staying in, where they sat next to each other in silence.

"...what's wrong, amor?" Spain asked.

"I'm just tired... a lots going on and I don't wanna be mad or sad about it, but it's confusing," Texas said. Spain sighed and nodded.

"Yes... and thank you for taking care of your sister, though I want you to remember that you are a just a child too. You deserve just as much love and care... please look out for yourself as well as your siblings," Spain said.

"I'm ok, they'll need someone to lean on," Texas said.

"And that person needs to be able to lean on others... Texas, please, you can't help others if you won't help yourself," Spain said.

"I know Abuelo... it's ok, I'll take care of me... I just wanna be sure my siblings are ok," Texas said. Spain smiled and nodded.

"You are a good kid, mi vida... I love you," Spain said.

"I love you too," Texas said.

(Book two boyoyoyoyoyyyyyssssss)

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