Sodapop Curtis // Part 2 ⚠️|🦋 M

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Continuation of my previous Sodapop story- quick little run down in case you missed it. 

Y/n is Sandy's twin brother, also the middle child. Doug is the oldest brother, and Y/n and him just found out that Sandy is pregnant- but not with Soda's kid. Y/n, who has had feelings for Soda, gets frustrated but none the less agrees to help Sandy tell their parents that night, 

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Y'know when I said that dinner was gonna be real awkward after our talk with Sandy? Well, I was wrong. 

It was a lot worse then just that. 

Y'see, dad doesn't like Soda. So when Sandy said she was expecting, and he obviously assumed it was Soda's, he was just about ready to go march over to the Curtis house and beat the shit out of him. Pretty bad reaction. However when he found out it wasn't Soda's-

Well, I have no idea, actually. I couldn't understand the old man, he seemed relieved, yet pissed at the same time. Like he hates that Sandy's pregnant, but since it's not Soda's that makes it better. Y'know?

Yeah, me neither. 

Mom on the other hand, she was devastated. She got so mad when she found out Sandy cheated. She wasn't even mad about the whole pregnancy thing, she just hated even the thought that Sandy would do such a thing. Which honestly, and I hate to say it, I respect her for. 

While mom and dad were chewing her out, me and Doug tried defending her. She's our sister after all. This however, only made it a bigger argument. Everyone was screaming and yelling, and it got too much. I stepped off to the side, taking a big swig of my water. However, when I heard those words leave dads mouth....

"Nope! That's it- I'm done with this. You are going to go live with your grandparents in Florida- at least they have the money for this shit."

I nearly choked on my water, and I turned to look at him. Sandy look shocked, she could barely muster the strength to mumble a small "what...."

But dad was clear. We tried to protest, tell him he was crazy. But he didn't budge. Wouldn't even listen to a word we said, he was so done with our shit. And to our further shock, mom agreed with him. 

"Sandy sweetie, I know it's hard but actions have consequences. We can't afford to support another person, and you grandparents can."

"And I don't want you seeing that Soda boy anymore, he must be a bad influence."

I furrowed my eyebrows, giving him a 'wtf' look. Soda didn't do shit, yet all dad could do was blame him. They continued to shout, and I couldn't handle it anymore, so I left. I locked myself in me and Doug's shared room, pulling the pillow tight over my head in an attempt to block out the fighting. It was almost funny. Everything had gone to shit, in just the matter of a few days. 

Was it wrong? For me to be mad at Sandy? I mean, I had to be atleast somewhat in the right. What she did was fucked up. I couldn't even imagine what Sodapop must be feeling right now. Oh man, Sodapop.....Sodapop Sodapop Sodapop- God I just couldn't get him out of my head.

When we had gone to say goodbye to Sandy, mom and dad seemed stand off-ish. Doug gave her a big old hug, and I forced a fake smile and gave her a one aswell, hoping to calm her nerves atleast a little bit. 

When we got home I stared at my wall for a while, trying to get my thoughts together. What was gonna happen now? Mom and dad were probably gonna be in a bad mood for the next week or so, I'll have to stay low on my bullshit. Maybe stay at someone else's place- maybe Soda? 

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