Arc 2 Chapter 1 *New*

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AN: Mordred Alter (mc) will sometimes be referred to as Alter, while the original Mordred is referred to as just Mordred.


"Can you tell me a story?...The story of a knight?" (Lena)

You do not have a destiny, tool of Morgan." (Gawain)

"I am so proud of you." (???)

"Let us raise our mugs for the prosperity of Britain. For King Mordred." (Lancelot)

"If everything is to disappear and I am to forget, then please let her name persist through time and space." (Kenelm)

"No matter how determined you were, you never did escape your fate...Even in failure, you smile." (Morgan)

"Is this your happy ending, Mister Knight?" (Lena)

This is my hap&#$#%!$#!

my #$&

@#@!%@#! 'FREEDOM!'



In the boiling desert, a figure in black and red knight armor stood over a whimpering male. The knight was, for a lack of better words, beating the shit out of the fallen man. After realizing that it was harder than expected to fist a struggling human in his orifice, she swapped tactics. Her metal plated foot continuously rammed against his body; the victim's constant screams of pain was proof of her action's effectiveness. His cries were sweet nectar to her eyes and satisfied her craving for 'revenge'.

"What did I do to deserve this?" The man whimpered.

"Everything." The knight angrily answered and removed her foot from her victim's body.

"I don't even know who you are." Bedivere reasoned. Hesitated in her assault, a bit bewildered by his statement.

The helmet on her head shifted and slid off to reveal Mordred's enraged scowl. 

"Recognize me now." She spat with venom. Bedivere's body trembled in fear, and then confusion, when he saw Mordred's face. From his experience, Mordred was the shortest member of the Knights of the Round Table and acted akin to a wild beast in the battlefield. The Mordred that stood before him was easily a few centimeters taller than Gawain. Her face was warped beyond viciousness as if the wild beast was left to starve for days and had finally found fresh meat.

The Mordred that was exacting vengeance was not the knight he had known...She should not exist, yet here she was beating him to the ground. Perhaps she was also sent here by Merlin to help resolve this Singularity. If so, then it begged the question on why he was never notified of this and was suffering by the hands of his potential ally. There were too many variables, all of which brought him an immense headache was like salt on his already wounded body.

"How are you here?" He desperately questioned.

Mordred's eyes jolted in surprise at her own predicament. She did not know why she was here nor how she survived. In fact, her mind was simply too 'angry' to check her surroundings and wellbeing. Now that it was brought to her attention, everything felt out of place. She examined her arms, which had magically reattached themselves. There was no taste of iron in her mouth and no hole in her chest.

Everything was fine; she was healthy and back to full strength...No...She was more than full strength: the mana surging through her body, the clenching of her fist, and the 20/20 vision of her eyes. Mordred was alive and rejuvenated.

Altered MordredWhere stories live. Discover now