Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

AN: Mordred and Arthur are referred to as him/he/his by other characters. The MC refers to both as female (she/her) since he knows their actual gender. If the story is in 3rd person, then they are both still represented as female. Also the ' ' represents the thoughts of the MC being transmitted to Mordred.

The prospect of value is a matter of perspective. Be they gold or fictional characters of a gacha game, they have value if people crave for them. So what if I have an addiction to gambling my money away for some 2D characters in a gacha game and never actually getting them?

To me, their worth is marvelously priceless. The adrenaline I get from clicking a single button is terrific -- the dopamine rush was to die for.

Though, when I say that, I was being figurative. I didn't actually want to exchange my life for a single 5 USD pull in Fate Grand Order.

Sadly, fate didn't take the hint and sent a speeding truck my way as I was busy flushing my newly earned paycheck on a FGO banner. Normally, at the end of the day, I would feel the crushing disappointment when my waifu failed to show up. was the pulverizing pain of bones turning into splinters and bursting organs covering the front bumper of the truck driven by a drunkard.

My body ragdoll across the pavement like a Tom and Jerry flick; it rolled, bounced, and scraped across the concrete road at random intervals. My senses were overwhelmed with unimaginable pain.

My only solace was that the pain I was supposed to feel remained 'unimaginable' because my head detached itself from my neck and began doing somersaults immediately after the impact. Time seemed to slow as I witnessed my own body getting demolished by the truck. The sight was unpleasant, but it was a one time opportunity.

I should be mad at my misfortune...I really should, yet I couldn't get that rage going. Perhaps I was going crazy from the shock and blood loss because I was calm at this moment. I stayed calm as my consciousness slowly faded.

Only when I felt a solid surface on the back of my head did I regain my consciousness. My eyes widened at the sudden change in scenery. What replaced my murder scene was a medieval room containing lit candles and a woman sitting on a queen sized bed. My body was wrapped in white cloth and held in the arms of a giant -- to effortlessly cradle a 20 year old male was quite an accomplishment. Now that I thought about it, the woman looked particularly familiar. She had the face of a character from a certain money sucking gacha game.

The woman spoke in a stern voice as she spewed forth strange noises, which I assumed to be a language I had no understanding of. From what I could infer, they were probably demands or future promises.

"%$! ! ^! %%&()# Mordred."

Hold up! What?!

I recognize her now. She's Morgan...And that makes me...Mordred...What the hell?

The realization of my predicament dawned on me. I mentally cursed the driver for his godlike aim because I was catapulted directly into the body of the Knight of Treachery--and if I had to guess--in the exact moment of her supposed birth. I was an inbred baby of two females because magic is bullshit. Did I mention the fact that my father was female? The Fate series has a unique way of removing genitals from historic figures. My current body also faced the same treatment. If history played out as usual I would be murdered by my female father.

Things became more uncanny when my baby self raised her arms and began to weep, grasping at our mother's hair. I tried to shut our mouth to no avail. Our screams worsened as Morgan glared at us in annoyance.


I have no control over this body. In fact, I was a mere spectator viewing the world from the eyes of the original Mordred. This giant detail would definitely get me killed by gender-swap Arthur.

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