Chapter 1: The Pokemon Kaiser

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The next row housed Iris, Cilian, Dawn, Trevor, Tierno, May, and Max.

"I can't believe Ash actually beat Leon!!!!" Max jumped up and down in his seat before May sternly sat him back down.

In the next row, Goh and Chloe sat with Shauna, Clemont, and Bonnie, who, like Max, virtually jumped out of her seat in glee.

"Bonnie, please, you're going to hurt yourself!"

Finally, five more spectators sat in the front row. On the right, Gary slowly applauded with a proud expression.

"Hmp, to think he ended up here instead of me. I suppose it means I still have work to do." Gary said while shrugging. On the far left, Sawyer trembled and nearly dropped his pen while holding a notebook.

"Ahhh!! I hope I got everything down!!!!"

Alain and Mairin watched eagerly and nodded to Ash while.

Lastly, in the middle sat none other than Serena, who held her heart with a touched expression. She and Ash met each other's gazes, but neither spoke. Both simply stared back at the other with enticing smiles and almost glittering eyes.

Bonnie grinned immensely when she noticed this and elbowed Shauna, who also smirked.

"Maybe Ash has finally stopped being so dense."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the World Coronation Series has now reached its climax! Ash Ketchum, the Alolan Champion, has now ranked number one and earned a chance for eternal fame! The opportunity to face off against the greatest pokemon trainer in the world! Our World Champion, the Pokemon Kaiser, Daniel Rian!!!!!"

The audience erupted into a volcanic cheer that shook the entire stadium, with even Leon joining in.

Ash steadied himself when the stadium lights all shined on a new figure approaching him. A tall man in his late twenties with an athletic build, short brown hair, and matching eyes now stood before Leon. Daniel wore a hooded black trench coat, matching pants, and an intensely competitive smile.

(What Daniel's trenchcoat would look like)

(What Daniel's trenchcoat would look like)

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"Daniel Rian!!!!!"

"The Pokemon Kaiser!!"

"Where are his Pokemon? I want to see Torterra!!!"

"No, Feraligatr!!!" Audience members lost themselves before the world champion. Goh saw Gary, Sawyer, Kiawe, and the other trainers trembling slightly but cringed when he saw every girl and young woman around him blush intensely with hearts for eyes.

"Ahhh! Kaiser, please see my Pokemon!"

"No, let me take care of you!!!"

"No, marry me!!!"

"Can you believe them, Chloe?" Goh asked Chloe before noticing her smitten expression.

"He's here! He's really here!!!" Goh sweatdropped.

Pokemon Amourshipping the Movie: Goodbye AshOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora