Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

We are broken from our own little world when Estrith suddenly exclaims, "Daddy!"

Legolas immediately separates himself from me and looks toward the door, and I sit up and look also. Aragorn is leaned against the doorframe, arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his lips. He stares at both Legolas and I with a knowing look in his eyes, not missing what just happened between us.

He looks at me, the smirk still on his lips. "Please excuse me for intruding. It seems I have interrupted," he says, "Eilonwy, my wife is feeling well and wants to speak with you."

I nod, my cheeks burning like a flame, "Of course, my king," I answer quietly. I stand, not daring to look at Legolas, and walk to the door.

Aragorn makes no sign of moving. "Legolas, it is late. You should get some sleep, mellon nin, but, first, will you tuck Estrith in for me?" he asks.

"Of course," Legolas replies, and Estrith whines about not being tired.

Aragorn gestures for me to follow him, so we leave the room. The walk to the Houses of Healing is awkward for me, but Aragorn acts as if nothing is amiss. We are silent, except for the few times Aragorn tells me the history behind a certain painting we pass in the hallway.

My body is moving, but I feel as if my heart was left in Estrith's room with Legolas. I have not known him long at all, but I know undoubtedly that I have developed feelings for him. He is kind and gentlemanly, and he treats everyone around him with love and care. He is so perfect in my eyes.

Aragorn opens a door and leads me into a nicely designed room. Creamy silk curtains hang from an open window on the far side of the room. In the middle of the room sits a large bed with an oaken bedframe, and in that bed lies one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I recognize her as Queen Arwen. She smiles kindly, but exhaustion is evident on her beautiful facial features. Her ink black hair falls in tousled waves down her shoulders and across the pillow she is propped up against. I look like toad compared to her.

"Lady Eilonwy," she breathes out happily, "It is so wonderful to finally meet you. Everyone has been talking about you so much. I felt left out."

I walk toward her along with Aragorn and stand beside her bed hesitantly. "I have heard much about you, also, mostly from your husband and Estrith," I say with a smile directed toward Aragorn, "And I am honored to meet you, my lady."

"Just call me Arwen," she says with a sweet smile and then pats the bed beside her, "Oh, please, sit down. I am sorry for not looking more presentable for our first meeting, but I was anxious to meet you so I called on you right when I was feeling better."

I am startled by her offer for me to sit beside her, but I do so nonetheless. Aragorn walks to the other side of the bed and sits down beside his wife, kissing her softly on the temple.

"Are you positive that you are feeling well?" he asks her quietly, worry filling his soft gaze as he looks upon her.

She immediately brushes off his worried question. "Yes, Mela en' coiamin," she says to him before her gaze returns to me, "So, tell me the story of how you came to be in Middle Earth." An excited grin makes its way to her lips as she looks at me expectantly.

"It is a long story," I tell her with a small, amused smile.

She opens her arms slightly, gesturing toward the room. "I have plenty of time," she says.

I give a short nod and begin to tell her my story, and both she and Aragorn listen intently to every detail. I tell them of my life on Earth, of my family and friends, and of the day I learned that I had cancer. I try my hardest to describe each person's personality and appearance in detail, and I tell them of all the happy memories that come to mind. I even tell them of the books of Lord of the Rings, and their eyes widen in surprise and wonder when I tell them that I knew of the events that played out in the War of the Ring.

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