Your aunt/uncle

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🍃M O N D S T A D T🍃

-Razor is your uncle.
-When Razor saw you he started sniffing you, making you giggle.
-Bennett explained he would be your uncle.
-He got confused and then asked if he and Bennett were actually siblings.
-Bennett had to explain that they weren't brothers and he would be your uncle in name only.

-Bennett is your uncle.
-Since they were on the subject (after Razor adopted you), Bennett brought up the subject of uncles and aunts.
-He had to explain it all to Razor.
-Since you liked Bennett, Razor agreed to having Bennett be your uncle.

-You don't have an aunt or uncle, unless you count Traveler.

-Diluc is your uncle.
-When Kaeya showed you to him, he looked at him and asked him if he was mature enough to take care of you, especially with his drinking habits.
-Kaeya nodded and waved him off, saying at night when he's at the tavern Diluc could take care of you.
-Diluc got angry and told him that he can't do that every night.
-So now Kaeya can't go to the tavern as often.

-Kaeya is your uncle!
-He's kinda like that one really fun uncle a lot of people want to have
-Diluc keeps you away from him when he's drunk
-While Kaeya is your uncle, Diluc doesn't trust him enough to take care of you so he'll leave you with Lisa or Amber.

🪨L I Y U E🪨

-Teucer is your uncle.
-But since Teucer is a little kid he leaves you both with Zhongli or the Traveler when they're around.

-Xiao is your uncle.
-Zhongli had actually asked Xiao if he'd be up for the position, which Xiao originally disagreed to.
-Later he had to babysit you so he did that ("I'm not good with babies." he had protested. "Give it a shot. You're better than you think," Zhongli had said)
-After a few months Xiao agreed.

Hu Tao
-You have no aunt or uncle! But she does leave you with Zhongli a lot at the Parlor.

-While Ningguang hasn't said it, when you'd get older you'd consider Beidou your aunt.
-Ningguang didn't exactly approve of Beidou handing her child, but Beidou told her to relax and she'd be careful
-Once she took you cruising on her ship with the Crux but there was a storm and Ningguang was furious

-Ningguang is your aunt.
-Beidou showed up one day for he Jade Chamber and said she was your aunt
-Like, imagine your frenemy just shows up one day, holding a newborn child, and says "hey I found a child's. You're it's aunt now"
-Naturally, she freaked
-"Beidou what the f***" she said
-"Watch the language" Beidou told her

⚡️I N A Z U M A⚡️
-Yae is your aunt

Kujou Sara
-No aunt or uncle.

-No aunt or uncle.

-Ayaka is your aunt.
-You're often left with Ayaka since Ayato has a lot of work to do. But Thoma helps too.
-When she found out Ayato had adopted a child, she got a little excited since she was going to be an aunt.
-At one point when Ayato was off he went to an Onikabuto fight so you could meet Itto, who ADORED you

-Ayato is your uncle.
-You don't normally see him since he has to work, but whenever you do he's really nice to you.

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