You bring home a boyfriend/girlfriend

358 8 4

Thank you Apple for adding the light blue heart emojis now I can differentiate between Cryo and Hydro


❤️About a week earlier you had mentioned that someone asked you out, and he was pretty calm about it. After that, you told him that the two of you were dating, and he was cool with it. About a couple months into the relationship you brought home your s/o, which surprised him. He hadn't had anything prepared, but luckily for the both of you your s/o didn't seem to mind.❤️


💜He didn't understand what you meant when you said you had a s/o, so you had to explain it to him. Luckily, he managed to catch on. When you brought your s/o to the forest to introduce your dad to them, Razor led the two of you to a part of the forest that had been cleared out so the both of you had the maximum amount of comfort possible. All in all, it was a good experience.💜


🤍When he heard you had a s/o, he was really happy for you. He went on about how if the two of you got married he could have grandkids and stuff. A few months later, you brought your s/o to meet Venti, warning them about him having tendencies to get overexcited and that he might smell like wine as he was an alcoholic. This made your s/o a little concerned until you told them that Venti was fine. When they met Venti, Venti tried his best to keep his composure around them to make a good first impression.🤍


🩵He had completely forgotten you had an s/o until you brought them home, which was an oh shit moment for him. He tried his best to make them comfortable, and would share different stories about you when you were younger, especially the stupid stuff you did and said. He only really fell short of the ideal parent when he offered leftovers.🩵


❤️He was honestly terrified he'd make a bad impression on your s/o. He tried his best to be calm and casual but it was clear he was nervous. Eventually he loosened up but was a bit more passive aggressive than normal on certain subjects like the weird vase in the house.❤️


🌈The first thing the Traveller asked was which nation they should meet your s/o in (considering they travel a lot and you come with them), to which you replied with the nation that your s/o was in. They got a room in the Serenitea Pot ready for whenever your s/o came to visit. You eventually brought your s/o, they were surprised at the Serenitea Pot but eventually got used to it after getting reassurance they would be able to leave.🌈


🩵She threatened them when they got to your house. After having a childhood full of abuse she was obviously going to try to protect you from the same thing. Your s/o denied doing anything to you or plans to do it, so she calmed down a little, but was still wary. She did unsettle your s/o but nothing too dangerous happened.🩵



💙He tried his best to come off as a laid back sort of person like how he does with Teucer. Unfortunately while you were showing your s/o around the house you had accidentally revealed that he was a Harbinger, which sparked some panic. He managed to calm them down but your s/o still left the house. You didn't get in trouble though and your s/o is still with you.💙

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