Chapter 28

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Weeks and maybe even a month passed and I had no motivation what so ever. Now that Caroline was gone; I laid around and did nothing all day, I skipped rehearsals, and didn't talk to the boys.

Caroline was my all, my everything and I couldn't live with out her. And our new tour starts in a couple of days and I don't feel excited one bit.




I'm sad that I left the boys, especially Niall. But I felt like it was the right thing to do; I was tearing up the band and it wasn't right for me to be there. I deleted their numbers from my phone and have no contact with them what so ever. But I'm really missing them.


End of thoughts, HARRYS POV


I walked down the hall and lightly tapped on Niall's door; only to be let down with no answer. I knocked again, no answer; I slowly turned the knob and tiptoed in.

I walked carefully to the bedroom where I saw Niall sitting on his bed and staring into space, no interest in his eyes.

"Hey mate" I said as I sat down next to Niall who blankly stared at me.

"We have to leave today for the tour. We leave in an hour. Be in the bus in ten minutes" I said as I got up and began to walk out of the room.

I walked out of the building and into the tour bus. All the other boys were waiting inside and stared at me as I entered.

"How's Niall?" Zayn asked with concern in his voice.

I sat down at the table next to Louis.

"He's coming but he looks like shit. Have any of you gotten ahold of Caroline?" I asked as the boys checked their phones.

"No we-" Liam began to say as the door to the tour bus slowly creeped open. Niall's shadowy figure stood in the door way.

"Do you think she be at a concert?" Niall asked quietly with a spark in his eye.

"You're back!" Louis screamed as he ran and tackled Niall; followed by the rest of us.

I looked at Niall who cracked a smile smile. Then we all walked and returned back to the table.

We talked to Niall who sounded more optimistic than ever as we drove to the arena were the concert was at tonight.




I sat on my phone browsing through twitter. I read probably over a thousand tweets stating that One Direction was performing tonight.

"Yeah yeah, blah blah" I whispered to myself even though I planned on going tonight. I've always been backstage and next in the crowd, but I would never hurt to try it; and I could see Niall again but not distract him from his career.

I scrolled through twitter for a little longer before deciding to get ready.

I walked down the hall and jumped into the shower; I let the hot water trickle down my body then I got out. I blew dried my hair before putting loose curls in it; I slipped on a pair of fraying denim jean shorts and my old sweat shirt. I put on some light makeup and rushed out of the hotel.

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