chapter four: Myeong-hwan

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y/n's pov:

(I don't really remember what happened so i'm going to start off with Gwi-nam and Su-hyeok.)

I loved every moment of that little hug even though he was trying to save me.

When we turned the corner we saw Su-hyeok getting attacked by a zombie. Gwi-nam runs up to it and stabs it. He starts talking about killing Cheong-san but Su-hyeok won't let him.

"How about you go back to your little girlfriend and leave us alone." says SU-hyeok.

"Girlfriend?" Gwi-nam questions.

Gwi-nam swings his knife at him. I stand back. Gwi-nam throws him down the stairs.

"You're nothing special." and starts swinging. Su-hyeok punches. They start fighting. Su-hyeok starts to choke Gwi-nam. Gwi-nam launches him back. "Aren't you scared?"

"You crazy asshole!"

"You weak asshole."

Out of nowhere this girl I think her name is Nam-ra. She jumps on Gwi-nams' back.

I should do something. But I don't.

Gwi-nam then bits Nam-ra and launches her. She grabs her by the hair.

"Stop it!" Su-hyeok yells.

This next moment I almost died. Su-heyok runs towards Gwi-nam and pushes him out the window. I just stare.

"Are you okay Nam-ra?" I asked running up.

"You should go." says Su-heyok.


"I said go l/n!" I felt hurt. I ran down the stairs and stabbed every zombie I saw angrily. I started crying.

I run all the way and get outside. I see Gwi-nam on the ground. I approached him. He then sits up gasping for air. He gets up twitching.

"Gwi-nam are you okay?"

"Wait until we get back to the nurse's office."

I got a strange feeling in my gut. He grabs my hand as he approaches Myeong-hwan under a car.

He bends down. "Oh what the fuck! What are you doing you stupid peice of shit? You scared me!" Myeong-hawn whispers. "Hey get down, get down. Come on move your asses. Get in here, hurry up, get in there."

Gwi-nam and I finally got under the car with him. "Get in you asshole. Shh. so, you guys, okay? Where the fuck have you been?"

Gwi-nam seemed out of it.


"Well yeah obviously you! What happened to your eye?"

Gwi-nam freaks out and touches his eye. "What? My eyes?"

Myeong-hwan hits him. I get mad and kick his butt. "What the fuck?"

Gwi-nam gets mad.

"Look, listen. You see that car over there? You're gonna run that way."

"Why should i?" Gwi-nam asks.

"Shut up! You do what I tell you to do? Got that stupid little shit?"

"Do you want me to run out in front of zombies?" Gwi-nam asks. Ugh he's so adorable.

"Mhm. you go that way and lure them. I'll go that way and scream. We'll run to the snack store while they're confused. Got it?"

"I'll be going away from the snack shop."

"That's why you run like hell around. Okay come on? Run?"

"No way."

"Go you chicken shit."

"Don't talk to me that way. I'm your gopher now, okay?"

"Hey are you fucking out of your mind?"

"Hey, I'm getting tired of staring at these asses down here '' I said. These two were on the far end while I was in the opposite direction.

He spits on me and slaps Gwi-nam. "Snap out of it will you? Look at me? It's me. Do it."

"Fine. I'll go."

Gwi-nam gets out from under the car. Myeong-hwan grabs my foot and drags me closer to him, scraping the back of my thigh on the ground.

"Ouch! Let go!"

"Shh!" He pushed me out from under the car.

"Hurry the fuck up and move."

Gwi-nam helps me up so that i dont flash Myeong-hwan with my skirt. He grabbed my hand. This was awesome.

He then bends under the car and pulls him out. "Come with me."

Gwi-nam then twists his arm around while Myeong-hwan starts to scream. "Shh"

"Why not get your stupid girlfriend to go with you?"

"Quiet. They'll hear you. You're nothing to me now. Got it? You stupid chicken shit. Thank you for your life!" he starts to beat the other zombies away.

"Save me. Come on now."

"Save me! Please save me!"

"No way."

Gwi-nam twists his arm until the bone comes out. He starts to scream.

The zombies start to eat him.

"Save me you fucking asshole!" Gwi-nam smiles while his friend gets torn away by creatures.

He goes to the mirror and says, "Cheong-san, I'll grab your eye out." his eye starts to bleed. I just stood there in horror watching the feast on Myeong-hwan. Gwi-nam turns around.

He grabs my hand. "You ok?" he asks. I nodded slowly.

He then pulls me away. I follow Gwi-nam.

Gwi-nam's pov:

I go back inside and hear them all on the roof. I let go of L/men's hands after realizing what I was doing. I pushed her in a closet and told her to wait. I said I'd be back.

"Gwi-nam dont leave." she said, reaching for my hand.

I snatch my hand away and slam the door. There were too many zombies. I didn't want her to get hurt despite how much I hate her.

I walk up the stairs pushing my way through zombies. I see a gigantic blue tarp. I hear a helicopter on the roof. I make my way slowly to the top of the stairs carrying a zombie up by the neck. I see Cheong-san.

I smile at him. He looks terrified. Good.

Some girl tries opening the doors to the top. She can't get out.

Cheong-san tried to hit me with a metal pole but I grabbed it.

"Give me your eye," I said. I snatchedhim by the collar of his shirt and started trailing my thumb up his eye. But before I could stab my thumb into it someone grabbed me by the throat.

I see it's the girl's arm I bit. "What the hell?"

"Why didn't you die?" she asked. She then threw me on top of the blue plastic.

"Guys the door is unlocked." I hear.

I got through all the zombies and started banging on the doors to the rooftop. It's no use. I passed a zombie. My hand is twisted back. 

~mine only~ Gwi-nam x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now