Idol × Reader Reviews

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Book: Dear Diary
Author: kim_cherry_madhatter

Cover: (4/5) The cover is really beautiful. I loved the quote you added. It's very eye catching. It represents the plot and story really well.

Title: (5/5 Just like the cover, the title is also eye catching. It suits the story well. People will surely be attracted. 

Blurb: 4/5 The blurb is just awesome! I loved it. It really hooks the reader to the story. You introduced the characters without exposing anything.

Pace: 4/5 The pace is good and slow.The chapters are also nice and long. It's not confusing.

Plot: 18/20 The plot was interesting. It was really good! You have a very creative mind. the plot was interesting and intriguing.

Character Development: 14/15 The characters were amazing. You portrayed them so well.Sometimes a writer can't show a character the way he imagined it. But you definitely portrayed them well.

Grammar: 17/20 As far as I can see, there aren't any grammatical errors to be corrected. I am very happy to judge your book as I rarely come across books which contain negligible grammatical mistakes.

Writing Style (15/15):- Your writing style is the main aspect that makes the story praiseworthy.

Overall enjoyment: (9/10) I really enjoyed reading and judging your book. It was really a pleasure. Keep it up!

Total: 90


Book: Save Me
Author: Dragon_Kitara

Cover: (5/5) The cover is just so amazing. I loved it. It's so eye-catching and beautiful. The reader would definitely want to read the book just by the cover.

Title: (5/5) The title really suits the book. It's simple but perfect for the story. It's eye-catching as well.

Blurb: (4/5) The blurb is just awesome! I loved it. It really hooks the reader to the story. You introduced the characters without exposing anything. 

Pace: (5/5) The pace is so nice and slow. It's not fast and doesn't confuse the reader. I loved how you added a banner at the start of the chapter.

Plot: (20/20) The plot is so unique! I loved it. You have a very creative mind and I loved how you displayed each character just as it should be. The plot was very organized and systematic.

Character Development: (14/15) I loved the characters. As I mentioned before, they were as they needed to be.

Grammar: (15/15) As far as I can see, there aren't any grammatical errors to be corrected. I am very happy to judge your book as I rarely come across books which contain negligible grammatical mistakes

Writing style: (15/15) Your writing style is the main thing which makes the whole experience special. Your style is amazing. You used the different fonts and styles nicely.

Overall enjoyment: (10/10) I loved reading your book. Honestly, you kept me wondering how a book can be so beautiful!

Total: 93


Book: Let Go
Author: -snowine

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