14 • An imminent threat

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The sun was high in the blue sky, shining down between the leafy treetops onto the mossy ground. The soft crackling and creaking of the wheels of the wagon moving along the path drowned out the knocking of the horses' hooves and the chirping of the birds.

Elithien missed her home, unlike Legolas, who jumped out of the wagon at every new plant or bird to go and discover. He was curious, just as Elithien had been in her youth.

'You should stay in the wagon Legolas,' she said again, clutching his shirt, 'let the forest rest.' She looked at her son who nodded in agreement and moved his body back to the middle of the cart. He looked around with shining eyes. He had grown so much in recent years. He could already run, dance, jump and climb without any problems. Once in a while, he even managed to hit the bullseye with his arrows. She was so proud of him and so happy that she could share this adventure with him.

Suddenly the boy looked back at her. 'What is it, Naneth?' he asked with big eyes.

Eltihien smiled. 'Nothing, my dear. You're just so big already, just a little while longer and you'll be travelling the world yourself.' Those thoughts made her sad for a moment. She couldn't bear the thought of him leaving the forest on his own and being attacked by orcs or trolls. One day that day will come when, like his brave father, he will not shy away from a fight.

'Naneth, I am not leaving yet. I will stay with you and with Ada. That is my home.' He hugged her tightly.

Elithien stroked his head and let her fingers slide through his soft hair. She tried to hold back the tears that rose from his sweet words and swallowed the lump in her throat. 'You will be a great leader, Legolas, of that I have no doubt.'

'My queen.' The guard riding beside the cart quickened his pace so she could see him. 'We are approaching the edge of the forest. There you and the young prince can stretch your legs.'

She nodded gratefully. 'That will certainly do us good, thank you.' She stretched her legs for a moment and felt her knees ache. Legolas, with his small stature, was able to walk around the cart, but Elithien could only sit. The only time she had stopped was to pick some fruit from a low-hanging apple tree. She had just played a game with Legolas and ran from tree to tree, shamelessly joined by the guards. The guards had no problem entertaining Legolas, after all, they did this more often in the palace, but only when King Thranduil was not paying attention. Legolas knew very well that his father did not want him to keep his men from their work, but Elithien knew what was going on. Sporting as she was, she had often turned and walked away laughing each time she caught them. She knew that Legolas was sometimes lonely, since elves were not easily born in the kingdom. She often thought about asking Thranduil about this, but she always doubted that he would want another child.

'We are here," the guards announced and stopped the horses.

Legolas jumped from the cart and looked around. 'Where are the berries?' he asked and looked back at his mother, who got out of the cart and stroked one of the horses.

'The berries are near,' he pointed among the trees. 'We'll tie up the horses here and continue on foot.'

'Finally, a day when you won't hear me complain if I have to walk a long way,' Elithien said with a wink at the guard. He chuckled and went ahead of her.

Elithien took Legolas by the hand. Most of the berry bushes were in a clearing, so that they could absorb most of the sunlight to become sweet and juicy. At the edge of the forest there were many nurseries, but Elithien preferred to go here, where wild berries still grew, and pick them for her own wine with a little help.

Elithien put her hand over her eyes against the sun and looked up to Ered Mithrim, The Grey Mountains. She had been here often, almost every year, but now something felt different about this place. No birds sounded, whereas normally it was full of young nestlings. Even the wind no longer blew, as if it did not dare to move the branches. She stood still for a few moments, letting her eyes scan the surroundings, but could not discover anything that might give her this uneasy feeling. From between the trees, the horses whinnied briefly.

Elithien turned to the guards. 'Gentlemen,' she asked, 'do you feel it too?'

They did not answer and did not look at her. It was as if they did not dare admit that they too felt something. Logical as this was, Elithien demanded an answer.

'Gentlemen, I asked you a question.' When she looked at them again, she saw that they had stopped walking. They were staring in the same direction at the gorge between the mountains, extremely focused and without blinking once.

Elithien pulled Legolas closer to her legs. She followed their gazes. There, between the low lying mountains, she saw movement. It was not clear to see, but it was there.

'What is that?' she asked within herself, secretly hoping that the guards could see it with their sharp eyes.

'No idea, but it's approaching hastily.' The elf pressed a hand to her back, 'My queen we must get you and the prince to safety.'

Elithien lifted Legolas off the ground, pressing him against her as she walked back to the chariot with the guard.

'What's the matter, Naneth?" squeaked his young voice. His hands gripped the fabric of her dress.

'It will be all right, my dear,' she said softly. She put Legolas in the cart and let the guard lift her into her seat. Two other guards had just loosened the reins of the horses, when a third ran from among the trees, his bow and arrow at the ready.

'It is Frostwyrms!'

Elithien turned with a jolt. The three guards around her had already drawn their weapons and gathered in front of the wagon.

'That's not possible!' cried Elithien.

'We have no time. In a few minutes they will be here.'

The head guard looked at Elithien. His jaw tightened as he raised his sword and with a swoop broke loose the horses in front of the wagon. 'They are the fastest. Ride back to the palace as fast as you can, your majesty. We will do our best to hold our ground.'

Elithien looked at the elf. She gulped and jumped out of the chariot, pulling Legolas with her. She hoisted her son into the saddle and sat down behind him. Before spurring the roaring animal on, she looked at the guards. 'Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. The stars will sing to you.'

The elves nodded. They knew they were going to die, there was no doubt about that.

A chilling shriek sounded from the mountains. It was the first scream of the death of the thousands that would follow, the destruction of the forest and the kingdom. Where normally a great army of elves, humans and dwarfs stood ready to hold out against this invasion, there now stood a dozen guards, a queen and a prince who was still too young to know what was going on.

Elithien pressed her heels into the horse's flanks and sprinted away.

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