12 • The Prince's First Voyage

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Thranduil paced through his room. He had done this every morning for the past week, his hands folded behind his back and his keen gaze on the tiles beneath his feet.

The cradle had long since ceased to stand beside their bed. Legolas had his own room now, just like his parents, in the west wing of the palace. Today was a day that Thranduil had not been looking forward to. Outside the window a horse and carriage was being prepared for departure.

Legolas was now old and wise enough to go on a journey, his wife had decided.

Thranduil had his doubts, but that had nothing to do with his son. Those were his own concerns. Even though at least a dozen guards would accompany them, on horseback and armed, and it would only be a short journey, the thought of them encountering trolls or orcs drove him mad. Something had been stirring in his gut all week.

Thranduil sighed when shouts came from outside. They had almost finished packing before the sun rose above the trees and he was pacing around his room instead of spending as much time with his family as possible.

He left the room and walked towards the gates, where Elithien and Legolas watched and checked that everything was being packed correctly. Thranduil had hired an elf for the task, but it seemed that his wife had already taken over, for the elf desperately tried to take back the queen's parchment scroll, but was not given the chance to do so. Legolas watched the spectacle from a distance, chuckling.

When he saw Thranduil he smiled broadly. Thranduil stroked his head and turned to his wife. 'Darling, are you sure you should be doing this?'

Elithien lowered the scroll and tilted her head. Her hand found his cheek, where she gently caressed his skin. He stared into her eyes, at the calm sea that took away his worries for a moment.

'It is only a short journey, my love. The forest has been inspected beforehand. We are in no danger. And it will do our son good. He will learn much about the forest, more than he already knows.'

Thranduil nodded slowly. 'I am worried.'

'I know that,' she soothed him, 'but there is no need. We will be protected by the guards. At dawn we shall return with berries, for the most delicious wine.'

The king heaved a sigh and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

'Don't worry, Ada, I'll look after Naneth*. The woods are not so dangerous.' Legolas trusted his chest forward, stepping in front of his mother, who looked down at him, smiling. My brave prince,' she said and stroked his blond hair. 'I have nothing to fear with you by my side.

'I see, I was worried for nothing. Our brave son will protect his mother from all evil.' Thranduil kissed his wife again and walked with them outside, where the cart and a dozen strong horses stood ready, waiting. The two horses in front of the cart snorted impatiently in the soft sunshine. The servants loaded the remaining bagage into the cart, while the guards checked the saddles of their mounts. Maethil stood beside the cart and bowed to the king. She beckoned Legolas, who gave his father a quick hug and climbed into the carriage.

Thranduil gulped at the sight. Now it was really going to happen. The look of absolute angst must be dripping from his face, because Elithien laughed softly beside him. 'Don't worry, and don't fret,' she said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 'Keep your eyes on the horizon and think of us.'

Thranduil tenderly brushed a lock from her face. 'I will not avert my eyes from the horizon and will count the seconds until your return. My dear, be careful.' A tender kiss brought them together and although it did not last long, it seemed as if they had stood there for an eternity. And even that eternity was too short. He missed her already, even though she stood less than three feet away from him and he could still see her beautiful eyes. He could still smell the scent of her hair and wished he never had to miss it. And with every step she took away from him, the world around him seemed a little colder. As if she carried the sun with her.

He watched as his beloved took his place in the wagon, next to his son, who happily stood up and stretched out his arms to his father for a final hug. Thranduil rushed to him and put his arms around him. 'Take care of your mother,' he spoke to his neck and felt Legolas tighten his grip around him.

Thranduil stepped back, pressing his forehead against Legolas'. 'Remember who you are.'

Legolas nodded and then carefully sat down again beside his mother. The horses snorted and the wheels of the chariot creaked as it began to move and ride into the forest.

Minutes passed and they were long gone from sight, but Thranduil still stood at the gate. He wanted to stay here until the wagon returned and he could hold his wife and son again. Only when the sun went down, did he tore his eyes off the path and walk back into the palace.

Only to wake up the next day with terrible news.

*Elvian word for Mother

*Elvian word for Mother

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