New Girl

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It had been about a year since El and the Demogorgon and Hawkins Lab and all that happened, and life had basically returned to normal. Will was back, the gang was together and all getting bullied again. Steve and Nancy were still a thing. King Steve was still king. Jonathan was, well, still Jonathan. Even Joyce was happy again, with this new boyfriend Bob.

You may be wondering about me. I went through some shit, arguably more shit than some of the others, but I was holding up fine. I mean my grades were kinda... and me and my parents weren't exactly... but other than that it was fine, great even.

It was the night. I was in my room, emptying out my piggy bank on my bed. I counted all the money I had collected. 12 quarters, give or take. I could here Dustin and Lucas talking over my supercomm, but payed it basically no mind.

"Lucas, do you copy? I've got four quarters."

"Take your puny haul, and multiply it by five."

"How the fuck?" I asked picking up the com.

"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Hunpreys lawn."

"God damn it, Lucas!" I snapped.

"Language, Y/n." My mom stuck her head in the door "I want you back by nine."

"I know." I put the supercomm down and started saving money in my pocket.

"No, seriously. If you're not back by nine-"

"Grounded, I know." I cut her off and rolled my eyes.

"And I will take the supercomm this time." She said, getting irritated.

"I won't be late! Ok?" I pushed past her "I gotta go."

I grabbed my bike and rode away. Into town and too the arcade, where Mike was waiting. Dustin and Lucas showed not long after and finally Will. His mom had started driving him everywhere instead of him riding his bike, so he showed up in her car. He said some quick goodbyes before joining us.

We went in and instantly ran for our favourite game. Dustin got to play first, after a few games of rock, paper scissors, and died at the final fight.

"You're just not nimble enough," Lucas said once Dustin calmed down "You'll get there some day. But until then, Princess Daphnes still mine."

"Ew." I said giving him a look "She's probably old enough to be our mom."

"Whatever. I'm still top on Centipede and Dig Dug."

"You sure about that?" Keith, one of the workers who I found very annoying, asked us.

"Sure about what?" Dustin asked him.

Keith ate a chip, smirking.

"We're not mind readers, Keith," I snapped "What the fuck you on about?"

"I'd check out Dig Dug if I were you."

"Oh shit," Dustin ran around the arcade, shoving people out the way as he did. We all followed "No! NO!"

I laughed "Yes!" Someone had beat his high score "Oh my god. Looks like the arcade Kings been overthrown."

"Oh shut up!" Dustin snapped at me.

"Hang on," Will said "751,300 pionts?"

"That's impossible." Mike said in awe.

"Apparently not." I shrugged.

"Who's Mad Max?" Dustin asked Keith, who had followed us.

"Better than you."

Dustin flipped in off.

Pretty (Eleven X reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora