DnD Gone Wrong

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"Something creeps up behind you, hungry for blood. It casts a shadow that swallows you in darkness. It is almost here." Mike said ominously.

"What is it?' Will asked.

"What if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin said.

"We're fucked if it's the Demogorgon." I sighed, resting my forehead in my hand.

"It's not the Demogorgon!" Lucas insisted.

"Well what eles could it be?" I snapped.

"An army of Troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike said putting the character on the table. I sighed with relief.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Told ya." Lucas threw his arms up

"Wait a minute," Mike said "Did you hear that? That sound. Boom... boom... boom. That didn't come from the Troglodytes, no. It came from something eles. The Demogorgon!" Mike slammed it onto the table.

"Oh come on Mike we were so close!" I shouted at him.

"Will, your move?"

We all started shouting at Will whether to cast protection or fireball, me and Lucas thought fireball and Dustin protection.

"The Demogorgon has had enough of your human bickering!" Mike yelled to shut us up "Boom, it takes a step towards you. Boom, another step."

"Fireball!" Will rolled the dice and it flew off the table. We all simultaneously dived onto the floor and started crawling around looking for it. We were all shouting at each other, asking what Will rolled or yelling at him for dropping the dice.


We looked up and saw Mike's mum at the top of the stairs.

"Mom we're in the middle of a campaign."

"You mean the end." She turned and went into the kitchen. Mike ran up after her while the rest of us kept searching. I looked under the sofa and gasped.

"I got it!" I shouted, I grabbed it and sat on my knees "Seven."

"Dose that count?" Will asked.

"Did Mike see it?" Lucas asked. We all shook our heads "Then it doesn't count!"

"Come on we gotta go." I said standing. I put the dice back on the table and grabbed my coat. Will and Lucas did the same and Dustin grabbed a pizza box.

"Hey guys dose anyone want this?" He asked as we went up the stairs.

"No." We all said in unison.

We went outside and Dustin followed a few seconds later.

"There's something wrong with your sister." He said as he closed the door "She's got a stick up her butt."

"Yeah." Lucas agreed as he got on his bike "It's cuz she's been dating that doucebag, Steve Harrigton."

"Yeah she's turning into a real jerk."

"She's always been a real jerk!" Mike said.

"Nuh-uh, she used to be cool." Dustin said over his shoulder "Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our elder tree campaign."

We all rode our bikes out the drive way.

"Four years ago!" Mike shouted after us.

"Well four years ago she was cool!" I called over my shoulder.

Will caught up with us a second later and we started home. It was pitch black and freezing. Even under a hoodie and coat I was shivering, and could see my breath in front of my face.

"See ya ladies." Lucas said as he turned off down a different street.

"Kiss your mum goodnight for me!" Dustin shouted after him. He turned to me and Will "Race you back to my place? Winner gets a comic."

Without a word I sped up.

"Any comic?" I heard Will ask. I assumed Dustin nodded cuz a second later Will was by my side with Dustin calling after us.

"Hey I didn't say go yet!" Dustin yelled.

"Snooze you loose, Henderson!"

We got after and faster as we raced down a hill.

"I'll take you X-men 134!" Will yelled as we reached Dustins house.

"Only if you beat me, Will." I smirked as I over took him.

We were going down Mirkword road together, since me and Will were neighbours. The light on the front of Wills bike flickered out and caught our eyes. When we looked up a man was in the road.

"Shit-" I swerved out the way at the same time as Will, but our bikes clipped each other and we crashed down into the ditch on the side of the road.

Is at up and rubbed my head. Me and Will glanced each other then back at the man on the road. No, it wasn't a man, I saw that now. It just wasn't, you could tell. From its shape and the growling sound it made.

Me and Will gasped and got up, running into the woods together. We ran back to Wills house, since it was closer, without a word or stopping. We ran in and were met with Wills dog barking at us, Will locked the door as I bent over gasping.

"What was that?" I breathed.

"I don't know." Will walked past me into the hall "Mom? Jonathan? Mom?"

I looked back at the door and saw a silhouette through the glass.

"Will," I straightened as he ran back down the hall. I put a finger to my lips and pionted. Slowly, he glanced at the door and saw the shape. We moved away and I gasped. The door unlocked itself.

"Shed." I told Will and the two of us ran out the back into the shed. Will grabbed a gun off the wall and a pack of bullets.

Shakily, he loaded the gun and aimed at the door as I stood beside him. Then we heard the growling.

We turned and saw it. Unusually tall, white skin and no face. I screamed and ran. Without thinking I ran out the shed past the house and back into the woods. I had no thoughts, only fear at whatever monster that might have been.

I don't no how far or for how long I ran. But when I stopped I was breathless and sweating. I turned to look at Will and he wasn't there.

"Will?" I turned 360⁰ and couldn't see him "Will?" I called louder "WILL? WILL!" I was yelling now. Screaming. There was no answer. He was gone.

I span around looking and lost where I'd come from. I screamed again, for Will, for his mum or his brother Jonathan, for my parents, anyone. No one answered. I ran again, realising that the monster might have heard.

I ran and I ran and I kept running all night. I cried and screamed and tripped and fell. I ripped my clothes and scrapped my hands and knees. I shivered and sweat. I looked for my house, for Wills house, for the road and found nothing. Except a girl.

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