4. A regular day

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After that somewhat strange day, Lexi had expected a rewind like the previous day. That is why she was shocked to see herself waking to the next day.

It seemed there was only a glitch in that one particular day.

On this new day the weather was a little warmer much to her delight. The sky had cleared and the sun shined brightly on the bleak buildings that were Kadic Academy.

She had on a light red camisole, a black pair of jeans and her black wellington boots. Over this, she had on a warm red hoodie. Her red hair was pulled back into a double ponytail.

As she made her way towards class, she was approached by Aelita and another girl she hadn't met before. This new girl had dark hair that she kept in a bob cut and was wearing all black. Lexi could tell that this girl was older than her and her fellow classmates.

"Good morning Lexi." Aelita greeted her with a warm smile that Lexi couldn't help reciprocate.

"Hey, Aelita, how are you doing?" Lexi responded.

"I'm good. This is Yumi, she's a year ahead of us but she's a part of the gang." Aelita explained as she introduced the dark haired girl to her.

"Hi Yumi. Nice to meet you." Lexi greeted.

"Hey, Lexi. It's nice to meet you too." Yumi replied. "How you loving Kadic so far?"

"Ask me that after two weeks." Lexi said with a light giggle. "So, how's the older kids classes?"

"Well I can't complain much." Yumi said with a shrug.

"Well, I mean, you don't have to deal with Sissi." Lexi said whilst rolling her eyes. "I've been here for a day and I know she's quite a handful."

"Sissi is just an attention seeker. Don't let her bother you." Yumi replied.

Just then a boy about Yumi's age with black hair walked up to them. Lexi couldn't help the little blush that crept up her cheeks for the boy was quite handsome and had a cool air about him.

"Hey, Yumi, ready to head to class?" He asked the older girl before his eyes landed on her. "Oh hey, I haven't seen you around. Are you also new here?"

"Y - yeah I'm new." Lexi stuttered.

"That's great. I'm William. What's your name?" He asked with a smile.

"Oh... I'm Lexi. It's nice to meet you, William." Lexi replied, although she could hardly form a word because she was inwardly squealing over the fact that this handsome boy was talking to her.

Silently rebuking herself, she composed herself once more before she turned to both Yumi and William.

"It was nice meeting you both. Hopefully I'll see you sometime soon." She said with a smile.

"That'll be great. Maybe the three of us girls can go shopping over the weekend. Maybe we may even do sleep overs." Yumi suggested.

Lexi couldn't help but note that she purposely left William out of their plans but then again it was non of her business. She was happy to have made a few friends who were already making plans to do some girly things with her. It was one step in the right direction.

"That's a wonderful idea." Aelita beamed. " What do you say, Lexi?"

"What do I say?" She said excitedly. "When do we start?"

"We'll talk more about it later. Right now we gotta head to class. See ya later." Yumi said as she and William turned to leave.

"Come on, let's head to class." Aelita said to her as the pink haired girl led her towards class.

"Where are Jeremy and the others?" Lexi asked curiously, wondering where the three boys could have possibly gone off to.

"We'll meet them by class." Aelita explained and true to her words, they met up with Jeremy, Odd and Ulrich just as they were entering class.

"Good morning you two. You're just in time for class." Jeremy greeted them.

"Hey Jeremy," Lexi replied with a grin. "Luckily we weren't late. I don't want to be late on my second day."

"No you don't." Jeremy said with a smile. "Jim's detention isn't something you want to experience."

"Of course you don't have to go to detention if Jim doesn't catch you." Odd said with a grin.

"Don't listen to him, he'll get you in all sorts of trouble." Ulrich warned.

"Don't worry I won't." Lexi said with a laugh, "Besides, I'm sure he can get in enough trouble for all of us."

This caused the group to burst into laughter.

They went about their lessons quite well and during lunch they were approached by two younger girls approached them.

"Oh hey Milly and Tamia, what can we help you with today?" Jeremy asked.

"Actually, we'd like to interview Kadic Academy's newest student." Milly said jovially as the two girls zoomed in on Lexi with their camera.

"Wait, you mean me?" Lexi asked as she found her cheeks turning a deep crimson under the scrutiny.

"Yeah, our readers would love to know all about the mysterious new girl." Milly continued.

With a nervous laugh, Lexi turned to the two girls to give them her full attention.

"Well, in that case, I wouldn't want to disappoint your readers." She said with a friendly laugh. "So, as you all already know I'm Lexi and I'm a day scholar."

"Well what do we have here?" Came Sissi's shrill voice. "Surely your readers wouldn't be interested in a loser like her. If that's the kind of press you're interested in it's no wonder your pathetic little newspaper is an absolute failure.?"

"Well whadaya know, you actually know what a newspaper is for," Lexi said out before she could stop herself. "And here i thought you were nothing more than a primitive species who knew only of the simple things in life. Including only using newspapers as toilet paper."

This made the whole squad burst into uncontrollable laughter. Red as a beetroot, Sissi stomped away, promising vengeance. 

"Wow, where've you been all my life. With you around I don't think Sissi will be a problem." Ulrich said with a smirk.

"Well lucky for you guys, I'm here now." Lexi declared proudly.

The rest of the day passed by normally and when it was time to head home, Lexi and Yumi walked together. Lexi managed to learn quite a bit about the older girl. Including how she was great at martial arts.  They chatted for a bit before they parted ways for the day.

  They chatted for a bit before they parted ways for the day

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