3. Stranger things

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"Lexi! Hurry up darling or you'll be late." Came her mother's sweet voice. "Your father's almost done with his breakfast."

Blinking, Lexi found herself standing in her room having just finished bathing. She didn't know how but it seemed somehow the day had reset itself. That or she was going crazy. Definitely crazy because there was no way she was stuck in the movie " Edge of tomorrow ".

She turned to her bed to find her brand new grey thermal jacket. Brand new and still untouched.

She went through the motions once more but she was heavily distracted. Her mother's ramblings pass her over. She sat in her father's car quietly and by the time she got to meet Jim she was pretty sure that something weird was going on.

As he led her to her science class with Professor Hertz, Lexi couldn't help zone out the man (again) as she studied everything around her. How was this possible? Had she somehow managed to dream up the future?

Just then, the siren sounded and she was immediately caught in a whirlwind of students trying to make their way to their classes.

Lexi and Jim began to approach a group of friends. She knew them before they even said a word. Three boys and a girl. One of the boys had blond hair. He had on a pair of nerd glasses, a blue sweater and khaki trousers, he seemed to be paying more attention to the girl, a pink haired girl with a bob hair cut wearing pink dungarees and boots.

"These guys." Lexi said to herself as she was hit by a strong sense of dejà vu.

The two boys she now knew to be Odd and Ulrich were arguing about something. When they spotted her and Jim they stopped dead on their tracks.

She already knew where this was going as Jim went on to accuse the group of sneaking out past curfew. She hadn't paid much attention to it before but maybe it could be a clue as to why the whole world had gone bonkers.

"Belpois, I thought an ace student like yourself would be more exemplary rather than hanging out with delinquents such as Della-Robbia." Jim said, his hands crossed together.

"Hey no fair, I didn't do anything!" Odd whined. "If anything, Jim, Jeremy over here is the one turning me into a delinquent."

Jim raised an eyebrow at him.

"If I catch any of you outside past curfew..." Jim began before the pink haired girl interrupted.

"Is that a new student, Jim?" She innocently asked. "You know we could always show her around rather than have you go through the trouble."

"Eh - that's quite thoughtful of you, Miss Stones." Jim said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "This here is.."

He hadn't finished when Lexi immediately cut in.

"Hie I'm Lexi."

"Hi, Lexi. I'm Aelita. Welcome to Kadic Academy." Aelita with a beaming smile.

"Nice to meet you..." Lexi began but had to stop herself from saying anything else. She knew she would sound crazy if she started revealing things.

Because she was almost convinced that she was crazy.

"Now, Miss Kara, Miss Stones here will be your tour guide." Jim said to her. "You are all in the same grade and class so that means she can show you to your classes as well."

Lexi nodded in acknowledgement before she turned to the five teenagers in front of you.

"I guess I'll head were you guys were heading." She said to them.

She didn't know why she was going through all this but she was determined to act as normal as possible.

Once again she had to go through the introduction and slam Sissi's annoying remarks. She sat through the rest of the class waiting for that weird moment when something would beep from Jeremy's bag and Odd and Aelita would leave.

Except it doesn't happen. They stayed the rest of the lesson and headed to Phys-Ed soon after with the rest of the class.

She had finally had enough when she cornered them.

"Okay, what the heck is going on here?" She demanded from them angrily.

"What are you talking about, Lexi?" Aelita asked in concern.

"I am losing my mind right but I'm pretty sure you guys were supposed to leave class." She said to them.

"What are you talking about?" Jeremy asked curiously.

"What's in your bag?" She asked, pointing an accusatory finger at him before turning to Odd. "And who the heck is Zeena or X. A. N. A. Or whoever that is?"

"Uh- Zeena? Whatever do you mean. Haha." Odd said with a nervous chuckle that gave his act away.

Lexi narrowed her eyes at him, seeing right through the act.

"Is everything okay, Lexi? What are you talking about?" Aelita asked in concern.

Maybe they had no idea what she was talking about but Lexi could tell they were hiding something.

"You know what, nevermind." Lexi decided before turning away from them and jogging to the track. She was determined to figure out what the heck was going on if it was the last thing she did.

They weren't going to say anything so she was determined to find out the truth herself.

Meanwhile, the four friends stood there watching her curiously.

"Uh ... Houston we have a problem." Odd said to Jeremy as he scratched the back of his head once she was out of sight.

"Jeremy, do you think there's a problem with the program of the return to the past?" Aelita asked the blond boy in a more serious tone.

"That's highly unlikely. Everyone else was affected by it." Jeremy said with a calculative look.

"Do you think it's something to do with X. A. N. A. ?" Ulrich asked.

"Hm, the scanner didn't pick up any signs of an activated tower so it can't be." Jeremy responded.

"Then how do explain her? She remembers everything!" Odd said in exasperation.

"The only reason the return to the past wouldn't work is if she was already virtualized." Jeremy pointed out. "And I can't say I ever found any other virtualization program besides yours, Aelita."

"So it's settled, she's definitely X. A. N. A. !" Odd declared.

"No, Odd. We don't know that." Aelita said. "There's still so much we don't know."

"Aelita is right." Jeremy said. "She might have some connection to Franz Hopper."

"Or she could be X. A. N. A." Ulrich put in. "Odd is right, we have to be cautious."

"See, even Ulrich here agrees with me! That's a bad sign." Odd said.

"You're right, we'll have to keep an eye on her. Perhaps we'll get Yumi to visit her at her home. Aelita you'll have to talk to her too." Jeremy said thoughtfully. "In the meet time, Aelita and I will do some more research and see if we can find anything to explain any of it."


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