8 ~ All i want is you, now

96 2 28

Tw: mention of cuts, mention of throwing up ( none tho ) mention of drug/alcohol abuse & death ( suicide )


already 430 reads?! im astonished thank you😭

(all the shit thats always up here is not included in the word count)

August 25th


George's breaths were heavy and fast as Dream abused his jawline, leaving deep coloured marks along his skin.

"Fuck Dream, give uh— give me a minute to breathe" George managed to breathily speak out, though the jumble of words in his mind made it hard to think. Dream gave the flustered brunette beneath him a last, soft peck on his lips before laying back on the ground next to the boy.

"That killed my back and neck" Dream whined, grabbing ahold on George's hand.

"Your the one that stayed on top of me for so long" the other replied after a moment.

"Your just so irresistible George"

"I told you, you can't resist me" he smugly smiled, looking at the blond.

"Well, I guess you were right" he smiled back until George turned his head, looking at the dark grey clouds above, still letting out heavy rain, loud thunder, and bright lightning.

George let out a deep sigh. The contentment the both of them felt was stronger than anything either of them had felt before. The love for each other was more than they thought they would ever receive. Dream was George's light in life, the light at the end of the dark road to keep him pushing, to keeping going until the end of his days came. George was Dream's reason for life, to keep him going till the end. He'd been thinking there wasn't a point to be alive anymore, Dris is grown up and doesn't need mentoring anymore, so what's the point? But now, he found the point. George.

10 mins later :]

"You ready to go inside George?" Dream looked over at the other, examining his soaking wet clothes and hair, slightly shivering too.

"Yes please, I'm cold as fuck" he replied quickly, as he giggled.

"Yeah me too, cmon" the blond replied while standing up back onto his feet, letting the water that had been settling on his chest drop down to the floor. George copied Dreams actions, his legs going tingly and numb after a standing up.

"You alright?" Dream asked.

"Yep!" George replied smiling.

"Ok, let's go change" the blond started to make his way over to the door, George followed slowly behind, tiredness taking over him and the need to throw up slowly rose in him.

"Fuck" he muttered under his breath, the boys being inside where it was warmer and more enclosed didn't help.

"You sure your ok? You look— I don't know but you don't seem it" Dream asked again, he placed his hands on the brunettes waist who instantly grabbed onto his forearms, and leaned forward resting his head on Dreams chest.

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