Once I stood up, my cuffs were taken off before my hands were tightly cuffed back together behind my back.

I then was pushed out of the glass room, following an officer in front of me.

We walked down a hallway that led out the back of the court so I could get in a police van while the media took photos from the other side of the van, hiding my identity but getting some sort of imagery for their report.

I climbed into a car and sat still while the police officers got in the front.

Other police officers locked me inside the back of the police van, uncomfortably leaving my hands cuffed behind my back.

Do I look like a paedophile to the police officers also? Do they want to punish me more?

As the vehicle began to move, I stared out the tinted black windows to gaze at Daegu.

My first time being in this city is when I'm arrested. What a shitty experience...

"Where are you taking me?" I asked coldly, remembering how uncomfortable I slept for a few nights before being transported to Daegu early this morning.

The police officers' voices immediately stopped talking as they paused in silence, possibly determining whether to tell me or not.

"A men's prison in Daegu. You are to stay there until the outcome of your trial, and you will likely continue to stay there after that." One of the male police officers spat at me from the passenger seat in the van.

I bit down hard on my lip to stop myself from verbally abusing these cops.

I sat in silence for the rest of the journey to the prison, and kept quiet while being led through the prison gates.

Sighing heavily, I took a seat on a hard plastic chair while some officers talked in front of me.

But what I overheard started to alarm me.

"What do you mean we don't have any free cells? He hasn't been charged yet so we cannot stick him with other inmates." One of the police officers gasped.

"He looks too weak, he'd get beat up in there if he's with them." Another spoke up making me feel cross again but also worried.

"He's likely guilty anyways so why can't we? It will scare him into never doing it again if he does get beat up. But we don't have to tell anyone what his crime is for. He can do that himself if he wishes." The officer that was here when we arrived stated.

"We can put him with someone his age too, he will fit right in." The same officer remarked.

"There aren't any other's waiting for charges here?" The driver of the van asked the officer who was here when we arrived.

He shook his head.

"Get up." The police officer who was driving the van growled, his hand grabbed my collar roughly to pull me up from the ground.

"Which platform are we dropping him off at?" The same police officer asked the male.

"Platform D, room 203." The male spoke calmly.

"You're putting a paedophile who hasn't been charged in a room with the more dangerous criminals? Are you fucking serious? He will get killed in that platform group." The police officer snapped back at him now, his hand tightening on my orange jumpsuit.

Does this police actually care for me? Or does he just not want the responsibility for if I end up dead?

"No one's going to know his crime, now take him. Once there's a free room we will move him but again, he's with someone who's a once off offender so far who's the same age, take him." The officer demanded before walking away with a clipboard.

The officer scoffed before pushing me through a metal detector.

We then continued through gate after gate of metal bars.

I let my eye's hang low as we walked past other inmates in their cells.

The loudness of people yelling at me was extreme through the bars.

Finally I looked up after the 4th door, reading a 'Platform D' sign above it.

Adrenaline kicked in.

I'm being roomed with someone who is guilty of a dangerous crime and I am in jail for the worst thing possible.

Am I even going to live a fucking day in this shit hole?

The other police officer who wasn't dragging me through the prison stopped in front of cell room 203.

To my surprise the room was empty.

"Can you go get this fella's roommate from his exercise outside his cell session so he can meet Jimin?" The officer who wasn't holding me asked the male who was holding onto me.

I felt his hand loosen off me before he walked back down the hallway.

The other officer shoved me inside but kind of seemed surprised by my passive submissive stance where I just did as he pleased without a struggle.

"Seems like you belong here if you're not even panicking." The police officer snickered.

"Are you accepting your fate because you are guilty?" He snarled after my silence.

"I'm not guilty." I snapped through gritted teeth.

"Oh sure you aren't. That's what they all say, only usually they can at least keep their pants up and hands to themselves. We better watch you in the showers." The police officer teased further, making me feel enraged.

My blood was boiling hot.


"Feisty, you will be fine with him." The police officer with a tall build and black hair said while gesturing his head sideways at the bunk bed, clearly referencing my roommate.

Well, cellmate would be a better way to describe him.

Is my cellmate bad news? Is that what he's implying?

Or could the officer just be trying to scare me?

If I am annoyed with this police officer, could I have worse coming for me?

However I do feel relieved to see the beds have a mattress unlike my past 3 nights where it was just a metal bench for me to rest on.

From outside of the cell, I heard voices growing closer.

I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from crying with nerves as my dangerous cellmate approached.

Only maybe he won't be too bad?

Because I made out the words spoken in the hallway.

A deeper voice outside the room sounded excited as this male voice gasped the words roommate.

I heard fast footsteps coming towards me from outside in the hallway.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the sight of a tall, handsome, young male with brunette messy hair, wearing the same prison jumpsuit as I, only with rolled up sleeves.

It seemed like this male was leading the police officer instead of the other way around.

Maybe this guy will be nice? Maybe what he did was a mistake too? And maybe he likes to give some pay back and make his own rules around the police which I am all for after these police officers snarky comments... Maybe my short stay here will be manageable? 

Thoughts? Queries? I hope this is alright. What do you think is gonna happen? Haha, who's his cellmate? Thoughts on Jimin's court case so far?

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Till next chapter, stay safe, keep warm and healthy... Byeeee.

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