2 | 11 | Mrs. Norris K.O.'d

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"Potter's getting expelled"

Lisa had apologized to Harry for her outburst and decided she wouldn't come to watch his practice- NOT for the sake of Grangers' or Weaslet's feelings

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Lisa had apologized to Harry for her outburst and decided she wouldn't come to watch his practice- NOT for the sake of Grangers' or Weaslet's feelings. Daphne had spoken sense.

All was well until Harry was acting stranger one morning. Lisa had sat with her Slytherin friends during breakfast but before their first class she was chatting with him in the library.

"Harry, are you listening to me?"

He seemed to be dozing off. Lisa scowled and nudged him until he jerked up and apologized roughly.

"Jeez mate, if I'm that boring let me know so I can find someone else to bother." Lisa stacked her books and shoved them to the side.

Harry shook his head. "It's not that. Just tired."

She gave him a quizzical look until he explained. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

She stared at him longer.

"Look," he sighed. "I don't get why you're looking at me like that, it's not uncommon to have bad sleep."

"Somehow I just don't believe you."

Harry rested his head on his own smaller pile of books. "I was up late. Detention with Lockhart. Happy?"

"What happened?"

"I had to answer fan mail."

Lisa snorted, earning a vicious look from the librarian, who had already warned her to keep it down. Disregarding her, she said, "Tough detention, Potter. Signing fan mail? Must be sooo hard for you."

"Oh, shut up."

Lisa dropped the subject. Somehow, she felt there was more to it than him just not getting enough sleep but she didn't have anything to back herself up. Something was off about him.

Some time had passed and before she knew it, Harry was back to normal and seemed to be in a celebratory mood.

He wasn't the only one, Hermione seemed pretty happy that day too and when they made her blow out candles during breakfast because they couldn't wait for dinner, Lisa realized it was her birthday.

She went and complained to her father, the most natural reaction a 12 year old could give. He wasn't having it.

"No, Lisa, I can't just give one student five pages of homework," he said sternly and continued when Lisa crossed her arms, "even if the student is an annoying know-it-all who deserves twice that much."

Lisa's Slytherin crew stuck their tongues out at Hermione upon finding out. Vincent tried using a tripping jinx on her but it landed on Neville.

It was still a rather normal week for Lisa. In fact, nothing special had occurred until Halloween came up.

Every student was excited, especially Lisa and her friends. She decided to spend it with Daphne, which included Draco, which also included Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Daphne was throwing candy eyeballs into Draco's mouth from across the table while Pansy sat next to him and glared. Lisa was trying to stuff herself with all the Halloween feast she could get before it was time to head back. When they did, Daphne and Lisa walked a little behind the boys and Pansy, so they could gossip about her.

Then everyone had stopped and Lisa and Daphne were stuck in a crowd. Gasps echoed through the halls as everyone had their eyes fixated on one thing.

"Enemies of the heir beware?" Lisa heard Draco scoff. "You'll be next mudbloods."

Lisa shoved her way through to scold him and then caught sight of the scene in front of her. Harry in front of a wall painted with blood 'The chamber of secrets has been opened... enemies of the heir beware.' Mrs. Norris looked like she was hung.

She was shocked as she met eyes with Harry. How did he find this?

He couldn't keep his eyes on hers. He felt that maybe she thought he'd done this all by himself.

That's what Filch thought when he pushed his way through the crowd to see what was going on and paused before yelling accusations at Harry and threatening to kill him.

He was calmed by Dumbledore, who immediately ordered all of us to our dormitories- all except Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

~ * ~ *
"What the hell happened?"

The only one who could answer Lisa's question is Draco, who promptly said, "Harry killed Filch's cat."

Lisa scowled at him. "Come off it, that's so messed up. You know Harry didn't kill Mrs. Norris, you just wanna blame him because of the petty little rivalry you have."

Draco didn't say much after that, he was pissed off and went to bed early. Daphne gave Lisa a look like 'let him believe'. However, she knew Lisa didn't take kindly to slandering of her friends.

"What's gonna happen, Daph?" Lisa asked.

"Potter's getting expelled," the boys chanted, laughing amongst themselves. Lisa pointed her wand at them as a warning and they disregarded her.

She slumped down into the chair while Daphne comforted her. "Lover boy isn't going anywhere, Dumbledore wouldn't allow it."

"Don't call him that," replied Lisa, who rolled her eyes when Draco got a furious look on his face and the other boys cooed.

"I just know something's up, and I know he didn't kill Mrs. Norris but he definitely has something to do with," she speculated quietly to Daphne so the others couldn't hear her. "Or maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Only time will tell, Lisa."

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Published 5/30/22

Had a shot of inspiration, enjoy

What does your spotify receiptify look like?

Currently, my headphones have been lost for like a month and I haven't been able to find them so my receiptify is legit just Toby fox and my singing monsters 😭

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