abigail looked down at the sleeping boy in her lap, she smiled pressing a kiss to his head. abigail ran her hand through his hair, basically combing it. steve moved, moving his head so now his face was turned towards abigail. she looked back at the tv, it shut off quickly. "oh you got to be kidding me," she mumbled, sitting in the darkness.

she could feel eyes on her, and it wasnt steve in her lap. abigail looked out her window to see someone in her driveway, the brunette stood up, moving steve's head off her lap onto a pillow. he wrapped his arms around that, thinking it was abigail. moving over to her window, abigail looked outside to see chris standing there, a camera in his hands. abigail went wide eyed, shutting the curtains and walking over to her front door. she made sure it was locked before realizing she had a back door. 

she fast walked to the backdoor, the lights quickly turned on before turning off. someone was in her basement. they were messing with the lights. abigail turned towards her basement door after realizing the backdoor was unlocked, fucking bryan. the basement door was creaked open, a light on down the stairs. abigail couldn't breath, she tried turning on the lights but they were off. 

abigail walked over to her sleeping boyfriend, shaking him awake. steve opened his eyes to see abigail looking around nervously. "hey, what's wrong?" he asked, suddenly more awake. abigail put a finger to his lips, she pointed towards the basement. she mouthed 'chris'. steve suddenly shot up, grabbing his girlfriend by the wrist. "how'd he get in?"

abigail shrugged, her eyes widened in fear. "the back door was unlocked." she whispered as they crept to the door. steve grabbed a knife from the drawer in the kitchen, opening up the door even more. the steps had blood and mud on them, leading all the way to the dark part of the basement. "we should just call hopper."

steve gripped the knife tighter, his grip on abigail not loosening. half asleep, steve knew he had to protect abigail. if chris got his hands on her, she would be fucking dead. they walked down the stairs slowly, abigail looking around. once they made it to the basement, the lights flickered. "what the hell?" steve whispered as they both made eye contact with chris standing at the end of the basement. 

abigail stood behind steve, "what the hell are you doing?" she snapped as chris looked at his hands. abigail looked down to see blood dripping off of them, suddenly flashes of chris upstairs in her mothers room. "no," she whispered before sprinting back upstairs. abigail yelled for her mom, running to her room. she opened the bedroom door to see julie laying there, she was asleep, her chest moving up and down. "mom," abigail cried, "mom!" 

julie opened her eyes seeing abigail worried, "what's going on?"

if her mother wasnt dead, who was? bryan was away at a friends house- abigail went wide eyed, that was a vision. chris didnt kill anyone yet, the blood was a symbol that he was going too. "steve," she whispered before sprinting back downstairs. steve was standing there, his eyes on chris, he wasnt moving, and he was almost levitating. chris's hand was up, blood dripped from his nose. "chris!" she screamed, turning to look at her boyfriend, "steve! steve wake up!" she shook him, realizing he was in a vision. "stop!" abigail screamed, "don't hurt him!"

chris chuckled, "i would never hurt him." abigail was quickly thrown to the other side of the basement. chris was one of them. how was this possible? the brunette rubbed her head as chris walked over to steve, grabbing the knife out of his hands. "you will." abigail stood up, her hands shaking as she looked at steve. chris gave abigail the knife, it was almost like she was in a trance, "kill him abby. kill him."

abigail started to walk towards steve, she kept screaming no in her mind- but it was useless. tears streamed down her face as she lifted the knife to steves throat. abigail quickly snapped out of the vision as soon as she went to slash it, turning around to see chris chuckling. abigail went to stab him but she couldn't move, now she was being lifted off the ground. the knife slipped from her grasp, landing on the ground as an invisible force wrapped around her throat. she choked out a sob, "stop!" she cried, lifting her hand but it was useless. "steve! wake up! she screamed, "steve! fight it!"

chris walked over to abigail, he grabbed the knife from the floor, "im sorry it has to end this way abigail, i really am." the knife went to her stomach, about to press in when abigail let out a sob. she connected to his mind, making him fall back. chris reached for abigail but she lifted her hand, she had to save steve, she had to save him. chris started to slide back as abigail let out a cry. 

"leave me alone!" she yelled. 

chris quickly yelled, throwing the knife towards abigail and steve when the lights flashed- then he was gone. abigail went wide eyed as steve fell to the ground, gasping for air and looking for abigail, "abs," he cried seeing abigail stand there. she collapsed next to him, pulling steve in her arms. he cried in fear, what he saw.... "abs." it was like he didnt believe it was her.

"steve, its okay. im right here," she cried, pressing kisses to his forehead. steve grabbed her hand as julie ran down the basement stairs. she looked at the couple on the ground, steve completely scared out of his mind. "i promise, i'm right here."

im kinda making this season an AU just for the plot with chris- surprise! he has powers! anyway, the mind flayer and chris are going to be the villains just for fun. 


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