A pleasant goodbye

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^ I saw this painting at a restaurant<3

(Pre-season finale)

They started off the day by sending letters to their dear friends anonymously about Niki's passing through pigeon post. They were sad to invite them over for this kind of reason,but Niki deserved to be surrounded by friends and loved ones,although they weren't sure who his friends were or if they were even trustworthy.

On the parchment they wrote:

It is with deep regret that we inform you of our dear friend Niki's passing.And thus we would like to invite you to come to his funeral in honor of his death. May he rest in peace.

And on the bottom of the parchment was coordinates of the place the funeral would be held at.

All of their reactions were different,but all stem from the same hurt and suffering that they felt from the horrific news. Niki was gone and the world would no longer be the same.

On that day,the first one to arrive was his friend Taki. He was a small boy with short black hair that had a fringe. He looked awfully distraught,His tears dried up on his cheeks and he had a lonely and desolate look in his eyes,he kept looking at the ground,avoiding eye contact with Niki's coffin.

After him was his friend named Daniel.He too looked haggard and hurt.He had the same look as Taki did,but he was still crying.He went closer to Taki and buried his face on Taki's shoulder to get a loud sob going.

And after that was Sunoo. He didn't have a certain expression on his face like Taki or Daniel did.He didn't cry drastically or falter to the ground. But you could tell from his lips that were shaking and his hands that he conjured tightly into a fist,that he too was upset.

And just after that was Jake,Sunghoon,and Heeseung. They didn't know Niki but had came because of Sunoo.He had always been smiling and would always eat without question,and yet once he received the letter,he didnt eat a single grain of bread or drink a single drop of water.

"Thankyou for coming." Jay said to Jake, Sunghoon,and Heeseung who were standing at the end.

"I'm sorry about your loss." Heeseung went on,he patted Jay's shoulder in comfort.

Jungwon was with Sunoo.He didnt cry but he still embraced Sunoo tightly. He knew Sunoo was upset but just didnt want to show it.

Jay went to the front."Thankyou all for coming,I'm sorry that this isn't the party you all would want to go to." Everyone let out a small chuckle.

"But, we're here for Riki, and knowing him,he would've loved seeing you all."

"He was a kind lad,cunning,but kind."Jay smiled.

"He was simple and easygoing but he didn't have many friends.He loved gardening,which was a surprising talent coming from him,his height sure helps."

"All I know is that I regret it,he was young and he deserved to have fun and party the night away.I didn't really like the fellow but I sure as hell didn't want to see him go like this...To Riki!" Jay finished as he toasted to everyone.

Taki whispered to Daniel."Is it even okay for me to drink this." Daniel shrugged.Taki still drank it though.

It was time to bury Niki.Once again those who treated him dearly cried oceans. Taki looked the most upset.Everyone was quiet as they watched his coffin slowly being put away in the soil. It disappeared slowly as it got deeper and deeper,until it was buried deep in the dirt, nowhere to be seen.

"I sure hope a tree grows on this very spot." Taki exclaimed as hired men filled up the emptiness of the whole with soil.

"And why is that?" Jungwon asked the younger.

"Ever heard of reincarnation your highness?"

"I may have,here and there."

"They say when someone dies they are immediately reborn as someone else, although life is tiring and cruel,I wouldn't want Riki to relive the same fate again,I pray that he would be a tree,so he can just sway in the wind without worrying about wether he would be happy or not."

Jungwon sighed from both relief and sadness. He ruffled Taki's head to comfort him. "I'm sure Riki would be happy to hear that from you."

"Dont worry, I assure you,we'll make sure his death was not in vain."


It was late in the afternoon,everyone was drowsy.Niki's tombstone was made of stone and engraved on it was his name 'Riki'. White flowers surrounded it like a blanket.Traditionally they would lit up lanterns and let them float towards the sky but unfortunately they can't do that,in fear of being discovered by enemies.

"Once this is over we'll light lanterns up for you." Jay said.

"Now that this is over,how do we kill that son of a gun" Daniel asked.

"What?! No you guys aren't helping."

"Well it's been long decided, you're doing this with us or never." Taki replied.

Jay looked at Jungwon who just shrugged him off. "OKAY fine." Jay gave up.

"But you do things our way." Taki and Daniel looked at eachother and back at Jay and nodded in unison.

"Hey,hey you dont think you can do this without us three now huh?" Jake went to join the conversation too.

"We may not know this kid but a friend of yours is a friend of ours."

"I'm in." Sunghoon said excitedly.

"Count me in too." Heeseung added.

Jay and Jungwon smiled widely seeing all of them wanting a part of their plan.

"Okay so this is the plan."


It's me Hi! Im back😭

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