Chapter 8

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^ Ahh my little engenes look at them. 😭


Their reunion lasted until early in the afternoon.As fun as they had it was unfortunately time to part ways and say farewell.

"You all better not forget this day,I payed so much for the food." Sunoo pouted while looking at his empty wallet.

"Huh, aren't you the one who ate the most?" Sunghoon teased the younger.Reminding him over and over again how much of a foodie he was.

"Ugh shut up!" Sunoo hit him on the shoulder and proceeded to roll his eyes.

Jungwon had a blast watching them bicker.He might say that their fights were more appetizing than the gourmet food.

"We'll see you all next time."Jake bid them farewell.

"Bye everyone! It was fun today!" Sunoo also went on with his farewell while jumping up and down.

"See you!" Heesung and Sunghoon said in union.

After they all left, Jungwon and Jay were left alone.The others had made Jungwon forgot that his fiancè was with them all along.

He was indeed not prepared for this situation.

"How awkward." Jungwon thought to himself while visibly making a crying face behind Jay's back.

He turned back to Jay. "So uhm shall we go hom-" Jungwon couldn't finish.

Jay pulled him closer.His hand at his waist.Resting his chin on Jungwon's shoulder.

"He-hey! There are people here!" Jungwon yelled at him,looking around all embarassed.

Jay simply responded with "Im tired...Lets stay like this for a while."

He closed his eyes.They were both stuck in this "romantic" position until Jay said otherwise.

After a minute or two Jay softly let go.He held Jungwon's soft hand, staring at it for a quick few seconds before talking.

"Would you...come home with me?" He said while passionately looking at Jungwon with desperate eyes.

All Jungwon reacted was a flushed face and a messy mind.

"Wh-what?!?" Jungwon said without thinking.

"Why? You dont want to come home with me?" Jay looked at him with a haughty expression.

"I-its not that." Jungwon replied to him.

"Then let me take you home." Jay insisted.

Jungwon eventually gave in and agreed to going home with him.

Both of them got in a carriage and rode together Home.

It was a quiet way back.Although it was heart fluttering.

Jay rested his head on Jungwon's lap and had a brief nap while going home.

The carriage came to stop in front of a huge gate which led to a secluded mansion that Jay's family owned.

They got out of the carriage.Jay went out first and waited for Jungwon to leave the carriage,offering his hand to him as he went down.

"Easy now,my love." Jay looked at him while saying it.

"Stop it with your cheesy lines."Jungwon rolled his eyes while getting off.

"Why,you dont like it?" Jay asked.

"Its not- Ugh nevermind."Jungwon responded.

"Anyways,so do we walk inside?"Jungwon raised a question.

"Well we could've asked the carriage to take us inside." Jay answered.

"What?! But it already left!" Jungwon shouted.

"That was my intention..That way we can walk together." Jay replied.

"It's not like we wont see eachother when we get home." Jungwon scoffed.

Jay went closer to Jungwon,closing Jungwon into the wall of the gate posts.

"You might run away..." Jay looked down on him,speaking softly.



Hello everyone! Its the author here.This book will take a hiatus for idk how long TT.

School work has been piling up so idk when i could be available.

But chapters will resume again once im less busy.

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