Chapter 24

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Jungwon sat there helplessly,his tears dried on his soft face, while Niki's blood stained his hands.He looked desolate.

Jungwon looked lost,he didnt move,or blink from utter shock.He didnt know it would be that easy to lose a friend.He had many regrets,he regretted never laughing enough or arguing enough.Because now he wont be able to do it again.

"JUNGWON!!" Jay came in bursting through the door.He was sweating from his forehead up to his palms.As he came in,he stopped at his tracks upon seeing Jungwon holding Niki's dead body.

"Jungwon—what happened..?" He asked the younger,kneeling with him on the floor.Jungwon couldn't react to Jay's question,he froze there for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Jay....what do I do?— dead." Jungwon said,as more tears decided to flow down his eyes that had the most painful look in the world.

Jay couldn't stop himself from pulling Jungwon into a comforting embrace.He covered Jungwon's eyes,in hopes of averting his attention from Niki,knowing that it would be too painful.

Jay brought Jungwon into their bedroom,hoping to make him feel comfortable.He then proceeded to cover Niki's body with a white table cloth.

"Good bye." He said before covering Niki's face that had turned pale and blue. He took a rose from one of the vases and placed it on top of Niki.

He then left the hallway to go to Jungwon.As he entered the room,he saw Jungwon curled up in a blanket,on the bed.

He had stopped crying,and was able to process the situation once he was away from Niki. "Jungwon are you okay?" Jay asked the younger. "I will be." Jungwon replied holding Jay's hand.

"What I want to know—" Jungwon faced Jay. "—How do I kill that son of a gun."

Jay sighed."Jungwon I'll take care of everything I promis—." Jungwon cut him off. "No,he took Niki,I wont let him take my family." Jungwon said with determination in his eyes.

"Okay,okay." Jay said."I plan to end it soon,I promise."

"Promise me Jay,that I'll be the one to kill that bastard." Jungwon said as he furrowed his eyebrows,looking in jay's eyes with such a serious look.

Jay chuckled,being this serious didn't match Jungwon's adorable face. He placed a soft kiss on Jungwon's cheek,hoping to ease up the tension in the room."Stop being so serious,I promise you,we'll get to live in a world where we wont be scared anymore." He assured his beloved.

"But for now... let's go get that son of a bastard."

"Okay,but first,why did you come back? Shouldn't you be at the palace right now?"

"Oh right,well you see.."


Jay was riding to the palace,he had left home in Niki and Jungwon's hands,they had sent Sunoo home this morning.

Jay had been wary of anybody following him,so once in a while he would stop at his tracks to listen to his surroundings.Nothing.It was just a void.Nobody was following him,not a trace.

Which he had found even more suspicous.Hyunjin was the type to be cautious with every move.Jay was on his way to the imperial palace to atleast try to protect Jungwon's family from Hyunjin's grasp.Hyunjin had a huge grudge against the imperial family,and well Niki.

And then it hit him,If Hyunjin had planned to harm any of the imperial family members,why would he go for the king and queen first.It would've been easier to go for Jungwon first.

That was it! It was a trap! A trap to lure Jay out,making Jungwon and Niki vulnerable,god knows if they're already dead right now.

He quickly turned his horse around,to go back in his direction.And when he arrived,he sighed from gladness that Jungwon wasn't hurt.

"Oh,so that's what happened." Jungwon sighed."We should give Niki a proper burial,before we continue with our plans." Jungwon said.

Jay nodded to his suggestion.And so that was it, A new beginning that begun with their friend's end.

Jungwon looked back at Niki's covered body.Tears no longer formed."I promise,I'll get your sister back."


Yes ik its a short update yall😭But it's better than nothing^^. I've been losing motivation lately,but I really wanted to post this update since school will start again next week.But otherwise,I hope you enjoyed this update^^

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