Chapter 16: The Department Store

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Subaru and I escaped from the crowd and went to a cafe on the same floor. We looked out the window to see Chianti and Korn. Gin's porsche was also parked outside.

"May I help you?" a waitress approached us with our coffee.

"Oh pardon us. We are actually leaving now." I told the waitress.

"But for those holding their breath, waiting impatiently for their prey in this heat, I'd like to treat them to some hot, bitter coffee." Subaru said mysteriously.

I looked at Subaru in confusion.


"This is bad. Civilians could get injured." I told Subaru as we ran to the first floor of the department store.

"I trust you to come up with a solution. I have to find Jodie before she gets herself in danger." Subaru told me and went in another direction. Jeez, leaving me all alone like this! But I have to hurry. Shoppers were running out the department store into the line of fire of the snipers.

"Kaiya-neechan!" Conan bumped into me.

"Conan-kun we have to stop the shoppers from going outside." I told him.

"A gift certificate! That will make the customers run back inside." Conan said. "But we need a way to make sure the customers hear it."

"Your bowtie can function as a loudspeaker right?" I reminded Conan.

He quickly turned the dial on this bowtie and announced, "Attention! In light of recent events, we have decided to give the first 50 shoppers who come to register 12 each a free gift certificate worth 10,000 yen! It is a limited offer so hurry as fast as you can!"


"I can't say it was a smart method, but in order to remove the customers from harm's way, you had no choice right?" Subaru approached us.

"Subaru-san? Did you come with Kaiya-neechan?" Conan asked.

"Yes, we went to Teito Bank earlier near this department store. We saw you guys and tried to catch up with you to greet you." Subaru explained.

"But Subaru-san, isn't Teito Bank far from where you live?" Ran asked.

"It is, but I had some unfinished business there. I saw a guy that I knew from the footage of the bombing incident that occurred recently, and I thought that he might use that bank again." Subaru told the half-truth.

"Who's Subaru-san?" Kogoro asked Ran.

"Well for starters, he's a graduate student whose apartment burned down, so he's currently residing in Shinichi's house." Ran replied. "But what did you mean about Conan-kun and Kaiya-chan removing the customers from harm's way?" she asked Subaru.

"Oh nothing worth asking." Subaru evaded her question. "Just a pack of wolves who lost their prey."

"Did you find who you were looking for?" Conan piped up.

"We did, at the department store earlier." I told Conan.

"But unfortunately he wasn't who I thought he was, so we didn't talk to him. I've known his face for a very long time. There's no way I could be mistaken." Subaru replied.


(a few days later)

"Good afternoon Kaiya-chan!" Azusa greeted me as I entered Poirot Cafe.

"Afternoon, Azuza-san! Can I get some pasta to go? I'm grabbing lunch for Ran-chan and the others." I told Azuza.

"Would you like to try our newest item instead?" Azusa asked. "Amuro-san knows how to make some delicious ham sandwiches."

"Tooru Amuro at your service! I'm new here." a voice said behind me. I turned around to see a blond man and my eyes widened. "You must be Kaiya-san." Amuro said with a closed eye smile.

"Oh forgive me, I didn't expect to see a new waiter here at Poirot Cafe." I replied. "Uh I'll try some of those sandwiches then if it is not too much trouble!"

"Not at all. The sandwiches are fairly easy to make." Amuro reassured me.


Amuro POV

She must be the girl Vermouth mentioned. But have we met before? She seemed to recognize me.

Kaiya POV

"Did you know there was a new waiter at Poirot Cafe?" I asked Ran as I bit into a sandwich. The sandwiches were surprisingly delicious! It was the right texture and the sauce gave it such a wonderful flavor.

"We met him at a dinner party a day ago. He is a private detective who now works part time at the cafe. Yesterday he asked to be my dad's apprentice!" Ran replied.

"I guess Mori-san is very popular." I laughed.

"I bet he's just another carefree detective like Ojisan." Conan sipped his juice. Oh Conan, Amuro's anything but carefree... you just don't know it yet.

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