Chapter 26: Carter

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Now that it's safe to look at her, I notice that she looks tired. Fucking beautiful, but tired. As if she didn't sleep last night. I feel bad knowing that it's all my fault. She's braided her hair into two French braids that stop at her waist. I realize that I'm still in my suit, and excuse myself to take a shower before we leave for breakfast.

Ten minutes later, I'm waltzing out of the shower in a pair of black slacks and a black Fairridge button up. Silver rings rest around the fingers of both my hands, and I twist them often. Sadie sits on the edge of the now made bed, staring down at something on her phone.

"Where did you sleep last night?" I ask, coming to stand in front of her.

She gestures toward the armchair in the corner of the room. Shit. I'm a dick. She had to sleep on that for the whole night? Or not sleep, by the looks of it.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm sorry," I say.

"I don't think you've ever apologized to me this much in the three years we've known each other," she comments. Three years. That's fucking crazy.

"Well, we haven't really spent this much time together all at once over the past three years," I say.

She stands up, "I guess. Are you starting to like me, Conners?" The corner of her mouth is quirked up.

Yes, I want to say. And I'm not just starting.

Instead, I say, "You wish."

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to be in Sadie's presence. Even as we stand in the elevator descending down to the first floor, I'm fighting the strangest urge to wrap my arms around her and never let go. She's messing with my brain. With her around, I feel like puddle of... I don't know what. But, still, I want to win. When that Principal's List comes out tomorrow, I want to see my name in bold letters at the top of it. Maybe I wasn't so competitive before coming to Fairridge, but competing with Sadie for the past three years has instilled something in me. Something that craves victory

This Principal's List is important. It's the eighth one that will be coming out during my time at Fairridge, and it's a tie breaker. So far, the ranking have been as follows: Sadie got the top sport for the first one of freshman year, then I did, Sadie won for the last one of freshman year and the one at the beginning of sophomore year, I finished sophomore by winning the next two, and, finally, at the beginning of junior year, we tied with the exact same average. We win JW Debate and I pull through to win this Principal's List and third semester's, then Valedictorian is practically mine.

Felix is sitting in the middle of the hotel's dining hall with his forehead resting on the tabletop. After getting our food, Sadie and I walk over to join him. I gently nudge his shoulder and he jolts his head up, surveying Sadie and I with wide eyes.

"Were you sleeping?" I laugh, pulling out a chair and setting my plate of pancakes in front of me. Sadie takes the chair beside me, so we're both sitting across from Felix.

"I'm fucking hungover," he grumbles, shoving a piece of pineapple into his mouth.

"How are you?" I ask, my voice soft.

He seems to understand what I mean. "I'm fine. Like it fucking sucks, but I'm just not going to think about it. I may have drunk texted him and said some... things. But we're obviously not together anymore, and I'll just deal with it when I get back on Thursday."

"Yeah, that sounds like the best plan," I say.

"What did you text him?" Sadie cuts in.

Felix laughs, "I don't even remember. Something about him being a cheating asshole and that I hope someone chops his dick off. Nothing too extreme." He smiles.

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