Ch. 24 (PG-13): First Loves

Start from the beginning

Lady Roseanna: "Welcome to our home!"

Lady Rebecca: "Thank you, Rose! We are glad to be almost home and wanted to stop to visit with you."She says cryptically.

Lady Roseanna: "I hope you will stay the night and allow our children to play together. Besides, you must be so tired from your journey that you cannot go one mile more!" Lady Roseanna states caringly.

Lady Rebecca: "Travel is so tiring. Thank you." She sighs gratefully to her cousin Lady Roseanna by her first marriage to John Oxbridge Lord Leicester.

Walking up to Sir Roderick-the savior of Seth and Lady Helen from falling from the keep tower of Gordon Castle last month-Baron Guy grasps his forearm in a manly arm/hand shake.

Baron Guy: "By all means, you must stay the night-or even a day or two." Baron Guy smiles [(2) right] cordially at the younger man.

Sir Roderick: "We thank you, Baron Guy. But I fear that we may only stay the night. There is much to attend to at Leicester-and also at my own estates in Staffordshire." He says cryptically. Sir Roderick and his wife Lady Rebecca share a knowing glance.

Lady Roseanna: "Well, we have a tea party all prepared." Lady Roseanna announces with glee to the little ones who are clearly hungry by virtue of their licking their lips in anticipation. Due to their tender ages of three and two years, little Lord Graham and little Lady Rachel may be excused for forgetting their manners.

Lady Roseanna directs Lady Rebecca and her children and Sir Roderick inside Gisborne-Middleton Manor, even as Sir Guy directs the butler who has the footman attend to their visitor's traveling cases.

After the little ones are chamber potted, they all converge upon a midsized drawing room in the family bedchambers wing that possesses comfortable looking cushioned chairs, rugs strewn about the floor, as well as tables for eating at. It is the family's private gathering place to relax together with their children. And there are a few toys and such strategically placed about the room, with a large enclosed cabinet serving to house the bulk of the Gisborne children toys treasure trove.

Once the younger children are given biscuits and milk to drink as they sit upon the plush rug strewn floor with their building blocks and dollies-as well as an assortment of cats and dogs-including the now very much larger than when he was an English mastiff puppy Prince, Seth's dog-the older children and adults break into conversation groups.

Three year old Little Lord Graham Oxbridge and the four year old Louis Gisborne are playing with some blocks. And the two year olds Lady Rachel Oxbridge and Lady Sarah Gisborne are playing with dollies. Baby Lady Diana Gisborne is nearby sleeping in her cradle. And the six year old Lady Helen Gisborne stands politely near her Mama Lady Roseanna, next to the eleven year old Lady Caroline Havorford chatting with Lady Rebecca Oxbridge-they still think of her thus, as Lady Leicester, since they do not know of her changed status yet.

Lady Caroline, still visiting with her sister Lady Mary Middleton and her new niece at Middleton Hall, has also joined them for tea today at Gisborne-Middleton Manor as a recently taller almost eleven year old Seth shyly gazes at her from the side of the room, leaning against the stone wall. He has had a growth spurt and his equilibrium feels a bit off balance due to it. Lady Caroline is trying very hard not to seem pushy to Seth, but her eager acceptance of Lady Roseanna's invitation earlier for tea today betokens her continuing interest in Seth. Lady Roseanna and Lady Mary take every opportunity to throw the two young people into interaction with each other to see how they get along. And as of yet, the possible betrothal between the Seth and Lady Caroline is still only in the vague discussion stage between their parents-and the young adults Lady Caroline and Seth are not aware of it yet.

"Sir Guy's Atonement" (Book 3) by Gratiana Lovelace, 2015 (a Wattys2015 Nominee)Where stories live. Discover now