"Welcome to the world little one"

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There they were, all stood next to each other in the small room, just eying the blond swaying the baby in his arms.

"Karl" he chuckles, "do you want to hold him?" He snickers with a big grin crossing his face.

Karl screams "yes yes yes" as he wiggles himself out of Sapnap's grip around his waist and basically throws himself onto the small couch, earning a round of giggles from the people in the room.

Dream turns around glancing at the little human moving around in his arms. Wrapped up in a white hospital blanket and wearing a light blue hat, Dream had never loved something or someone this much.

He takes a few steps forward, slowly dipping his legs down and placing the small bundle, his everything, into Karls shaking hands.

He wasn't worried though, obviously it was hard letting go of this newfound love in his life, but he trusted his friends and he knew that after a while the little bundle of joy would be placed back into his big welcoming arms ready to cradle the little thing that was his newborn son.

Karl was making noises like "aawww" and squeals higher than any he's ever heard, as he gestured the rest of the group to get over there and bathe in the fresh air around this new life.

As all of his friends group around Karl and the little child in his hands, Clay's mom pulls him back into a corner of the room to talk to him.

"I've never seen you this happy" she whispers while staring at the large group of people that was awwing at a little yawn that Daniel let out.

"I've never been happier" Dream answers with a smile, brushing his hand through his hair.

"You're gonna be a great dad I know that Clay"

"It's all from you. I don't know if I could have mustered up the courage to pull through with doing this on my own hadn't it been for you"

A big hug to Dream's side ends their conversation as he hears a little "congratulations" be muttered into his shoulder

He slowly walks back over to the crowd where Bad was now holding Daniel while Karl was sat next to him sniffling into Sapnap's shoulder, the younger man rubbing comforting circles in his back.

The baby was handed around to everyone, cradled in so many arms with hands moving over the small strain of hair that had made its way through the brim of the hat.

The time flew by and at around 5 pm the nurse came in asking the visitors to leave as it was getting late and visiting hours were coming to a close.

He hugged everyone goodbye as he rocked the little boy in his arms, already missing his friends' company surrounding him and his son.

Dream thinks back to when he had told Sapnap and George about the soon to arrive baby. Two weeks after finally moving in together.

"I'll move out as soon as possible, I'll find a little flat somewhere close-"

"What? No way" he was cut off by sapnap "You're not moving out dude"

"What? Yeah I am. I can't do that to you. You wouldn't want a crying infant in the house"

"We love you dude, and we'll love that child of yours" Sapnap says reassuringly.

"Yeah Dream, stay here. you spent most of your money to move into this place, how will you afford to raise a kid if you can't even pay the rent?" George joins in making a good point.

"A- Are you sure? It's gonna be loud and- and annoying an-"

"Don't worry about us man you're gonna be a single dad soon you have bigger things to think about" Sapnap says while patting Dream's left shoulder with his hand and getting up from the grey sofa leaving George and Dream sitting there alone.

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now