Chapter 6

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I shoot into half consciousness and awaken from my episode.

Pins and needles stab at my sensitive skin. Everything seers with pains like no other I've experienced. Slowly I'm beginning to become numb to the ever existent feelings and emotions impaling my body. The painful and vile stinging, drones into a refreshing buzz emitting on every layer and surface of my body. I feel my veins burning. I feel them. It is a feeling like no other. Like there is a steady, small, river of fire running under my skin. I notice it's every current and it's absolutely hell. It is as if my skin has turned to ice and my veins are burning through.

The inside of my skull still swings, like someone is scraping at the inner surfaces of my head and pushing at it, in attempt to make it expand.

Words vaporize in the soft air when I hear the first syllables. Sounds become foreign to me as I gain the ability to sense them once more. I hear them but I don't. They are there but it's as though I am imagining them. I test out the sounds I've heard with my own body. I scream.

They're voices. The sounds I'm hearing are voices, but i can not understand them.

My throat feels heavy, as if I have swallowed too much water and am choking, and drowning. Nothing makes sense.


My name is thrown through the air softly with a questionable voice. I hear it. The word sounds so obsolete, different than anything I've heard before, it confuses me. It's like watching a television show backwards or seeing a misspelt word. I'm not sure it's right, I know something wrong, but I can't disclose what it is about this word that makes me question how it feels to hear it.

A shrill female voice speaks up, "Her body wasn't......the anesthetic.....recovering. Stabilized...for now. Leave her...... Needs... rest."

There seems to be thick film of fog all around me. I can catch few words, but even when I do, my brain dismisses them. I can't understand the situation. My body fights it.

"Yes m-"

"I mean it, don't try...her or wake...This young......critical condition... desperately"

"Thank you nurse...only...sitting... corner chair..." a familiar male voice answers surely.

My skull feels stuck. It's as if I am in a nightmare and I can not leave. Everything around me fades into bleakness. The voices trickle quietly away into nothing and the bright lights I could feel on me, turn black.

Everything fades away as I slide unwillingly into unconsciousness. Time passes but I don't realize it is happening. There is only black and then I'm gone.


I can't feel myself moving but I know that I am. I can't feel my four extremities but I know they are there. It's as though I am sinking in a dark ocean. Everything is black and I can't see. I can't feel my arms and legs but I flail them so I can move forward. I have to breath. Boulders weight my blurry body down, stopping my assent to the surface. The water is thick so it is impossible to tell where my body is. There are rocks weighing down my skull. My neck stretches and cranes, contorting so that My head will lift. But it doesn't work. I strain my muscles to move but I can't.

This is how it feels

While I discover words and sounds again my body begins to feel. The stinging wears away, the pulsing and buzzing in my skull subsides. Finally my thoughts, slowly, become full trains.

I struggle to move once again. My legs, my arms, my fingers, everything. They won't move. My body feels heavy, like my clothes are made of lead. It's as if I was weighted with fatigue after a long day, and my eyes won't open. I see only black, I don't feel anything, and, there's ringing in my ears.

"Hey," a masculine voice speaks with worry, "Hey there," the voice is growing excited.

I feel a burst of numbness shoot up my arm and my fingers burn with stiffness and fire.

"Tessa? Tessa stay right here ok? Just stay and-" the voice trails off and I hear urgent footsteps recede from my presence.

My arm is slowly, agonizingly slowly, growing more agile. I'm starting to feel bursts of cold air on my sensitive finger tips. My toes shoot pain up to my shins and it feels like someone is taking a carving knife and splicing off layer and layer of skin, one after the other. My limbs are discovering movement once again. But all I can do is feel; and all I can feel is pain. It seethes through my nerves, like a snake through grass. I want to scream out but my mouth deliberately refuses to open and all I can do is panic.

I feel as though I am trapped in a world and the only tangible element is pain. It screeches through every part of me. My bones, veins, skin, and blood. The pain leaves nothing untouched.

I physically can not talk or move. I lack all ascetic willpower and every ability to live I used to have is perished.

Begging for relief from such a heavy hell, I attempt once again to scream.

In the distance I hear someone yell "She's waking up c'mon, over here, this room!"

My whole head feels heavy like a boulder, I can't lift it up. The ringing in my ears gets louder and I can no longer hear anything. It's as if someone is holding my head under water while my ears fill up with the mind numbing liquid.

The pain in my limbs is numbing, yet I can not feel them. Everything is burdensome and weighted. All of my extremities are unmanageable, but I no longer experience such an extreme pain as I did before. My neck and shoulder muscles become so tense it is as if somebody is trying to wring them out. All I can feel is an undeniably pessimistic feeling of sinking. Everything is heavy and anchored down. I still can not move

My skull begins to buzz violently and I feel my eyelids squint deeply.

Suddenly my entire body begins to throb and pulse like a heartbeat. I hear screams and shouts. Somebody yelling orders...


Hi, I'm sorry all my chapter are short but I'm working on it. I hope you enjoy this one because in quite proud of it and have used my own personal experience. I hope you enjoy it.

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