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Tommy and aimsey had left to get groceries and now bill was in charge of the two littles.
Oh god

Tubbo POV

Tommy and Aims just went for the grocery store and left bill in charge of ran and I.
I just think it's unfair that bill gets to be in charge.
Im a big boy too!
I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.
"You okay tubbs?"
" 'm fine"
"If you say so.."

Ran was already small before toms and aims left so bill was playing with him and his toy cars.
I wanted to play too but i didn't wanna ask for it.
I continued pouting until there was an audible growl coming from my stomach.
"Are you hungry?" Bill asked me.
"A little." I replied.
He got up and went to the kitchen.
A few minutes later he came in and asked what we wanted on our sandwiches.
I told him i wanted ham and ranboo said he wanted jam.

While bill was still in the kitchen i slid down from where i was sat on the couch and joined ran with playing cars.
We enjoyed ourselves until bill came in and asked us to eat at the dining table.
I let out a scoff and lightly stomped over to the table.
Toms would let us eat in the living room.
"Quit stomping tubbs."bill reminded me.
I just slumped down into my chair and started eating my ham sandwich.

After lunch i put my plate away and stomped up the stairs to mine, ran and tom's room.
"Quit stomping toby!"bill shouted up stairs.
I just stomped louder, he wasn't tom so he couldn't tell me what to do.

I pulled out my box from the cupboard and took out my pacy, i was feeling a little smaller.
I laid down in my bed.
I felt lonely.
I got an idea and slowly sneaked over to Tom and ran's bed, as if i would get in trouble for laying in their bed.
I cuddled up to the blanket and slowly drifted off to dream land.

Tommy POV

We just got back from the grocery store and walked in on bill and boo playing with cars.
An adorable sight of i do say so myself.
Though I started wondering where tubbs was.

"Hey bill?"
"Where's Toby?"
"Oh we was being grumpy and stomped upstairs after lunch."
"Alright thanks."
I walked up the stairs and over to our room.
There he was cuddled up in my bed with his pacy bobbing in between his lips.
Also a very adorable sight.

I sat down next to where he was laying and ran my fingers through his hair.
He stirred and slowly opened his eyes to look up at me.
"Morning Sunshine."
"Tom!" He said exitedly, but still a little tired.
"Did you miss me?"
He nodded his head and fell into my arms.
"Bill told me about you being grumpy."
"Why were you being grumpy?"
"Thought it wasn't fair that bill was in charge.
Tubbo big boy too!"
"I know that you're a big boy, but sometimes you're also my little tiny small boy and i just wanted you to be safe."
He pouted but nodded.
"Do you wanna go say sorry to bill for being a little mr grumpy pants?"i asked tickling his sides a little.
He giggled and nodded, trying to push my hands off of him.
I got up and hoisted tubbo up on my hip.
(Just pretend that tommy is strong...please)
We got downstairs and i tapped Toby's shoulder to get him to stop hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
He slowly looked up at bill.
"Im sorry for being grumpy bill."
"Its alright tubbs i know you just missed tommy."he said smiling a little.
And now all was well and we could cuddled up on the couch until dinner.

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