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3rd person pov

Its been a few months since tommy and tubbo moved in together and they had been planning a meet up with ranboo for a while.

well, today was the day he would arrive!

All of them were very exited but tommy was a bit worried.

what if tubbo slipped in front of ranboo?

what if ranboo thought it was weird?

doesn't matter right now!
tommy would literally murder him if he said anything bad about tubbo.

they were standing at the airport infront of the terminal(?) ranboo would come out of.

Tubbo had made a GIANT sign, which said: dear Ranboo, i've made an EXTRA BIG SIGN so you'd be EXTRA EMBARRASSED -tubbo
(credit to semrielle)

Tommy thought it was quite funny, so he let him bring it.

when people started coming out of the door they were standing at tibbo started holding up the sign above his head.

they saw a tall brunette boy walking out.

when he saw the sign he burried his face in his hands, so they assumed that was ranboo.

"HEY RANBOO" tubbo yelled while running at him.

"hey Tubbo." ranboo said in a calmer tone.

"what's up big R?"

"the sky"

"i hate you"

"nice to see you too tommy"

they walked back to the car and drove to the flat.

tommy and tubbo had cleaned out a spare room for ranboo to sleep in so they didnt have to all share a
room and so tubbo could regress in private.

once ranboo got situated they made dinner together and watched a movie after.

-time skip to like midnight or smth-

.tommy pov.

i woke up to tapping sounds.

i looked over at my clock and saw that it was a little past midnight.

whose awake at this hour?

i looked over to tubbos bed, but he was still sound asleep.


i went over to the door and peered out of it.

there i saw ranboo with a stuffed animal tucked under his arm.

he had another thing in his hand but i couldnt make out what it was.

i fully opened the door, scaring ranboo.

he whiped his head around to me and stared at me with fear in his eyes.

"why're you awake ranboo?"

"did nothin'!"

"i can clearly see that you didn't do "nothing""

i, again, looked at the other thing in his hand.

a bottle with milk?

"are you a little, ranboo?"


"you dont have to lie.
im not gonna judge you."

he looked down in shame and nodded slowly.

"do you have a caregiver?"i questioned, hoping the answer was yes.

he shook his head.

"have you had one before?"


"how long have you been a little?"

"a yeaw i tink"

i widen my eyes.

"okay bud, from now on tom tom over here is your caregiver, okay?"

his head shoots up and he nodds with a wide smile.

"if you continue nodding like that your head'll fall off."i said, chucking when he abruptly stopped nodding.

"come on lets get you back to bed."

"can ranboo sweep with tom tom?"

"sure you can! is the new room scary?"

"mhm very scawy."

"okay sugarbug let's go"

i led him to my bed and we cuddle together until we fall asleep.

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