bee boy doesnt feel too good

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*Tubbo POV*

I woke up with a headache and a stuffy noes.


I notice Tommy and Ranboo being out of bed and slowly get up and go downstairs.

"Morning Tubbo!" Ranboo said from the couch when he spotted me, Tommy doing the same.

"breakfast is on the table we ate already cause we didn't wanna wake you."

when i looked over at the clock i saw that it was 12pm already.

i quickly gobbled down my food and slumped down on the couch next to Ranboo, who was watching adventure time.

as the episode came to an end i notice my headache getting worse and whince in pain.

"you alright Toby?"Tommy, who was now crouching in front of me asks.

"head hurts"

"oh! i have some pain meds in the cubbord, let me go get them!"

he runs over to the kitchen and comes back with the meds and a glass of water.

i thank him and take the medicine, scrunching up my face at the bitter taste.

I feel ranboo pulling me down and find myself laying down with my head on his lap and me legs draped over tommy.

"rest, bee boy."Tommy says with a stern voice but a caring smile.

i do as told and close my eyes.

it felt like only a second passed but when i opened my eyes the room was darker and tommy is gone.

Ranboo notices me moving and looks down at me.

"you slept for quite a bit, Tommy's making dinner."

i give a small nod and snuggle back onto his lap, now noticing the blanket on top of me.

Ranboo played with my hair for a bit before tommy announced that dinner was ready.

he had made fish and chips from scratch and it was delicious u tell you.

"you feeling any better toby?"

"way better! thanks for taking care of me guys."

"no problem" tommy and ranboo both saif in unison.

i pushed my self off of my chair and gathered all of our plates putting them in the sink.

"i say we have a movie night!"i say while waching the dishes.

"sounds nice" ranboo says, tommy nodding.

we all snuggle together under two blankets and watch some disney movies all night, before we all fell asleep.


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