Ch. 1, General Him

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August 10 in the year 2010 of the Imperial calendar, the Holy Britannian Empire had just declared war upon Japan.
Genbu Kururugi, the current Prime Minister of Japan had major difficulties within several battles, mainly due to Britannia having these infamous gigantic robots called Knightmare Frames. A few days after the declaration of war, Prime Minister Kururugi couldn't help but feel that his people were starting to become weak. Though he had quite a few dedicated soldiers, still, it wasn't enough. He refused to surrender as he thought of it as something only a coward would freely do, and so he decided to form a do or die resistance. He debated it with only a few of his subordinates and colleagues, along side him were Lieutenant Colonel Kyoshiro Tohdoh and Leader of the Kyōto House, Taizō Kirihara. The discussion went on for an hour or more and during the time, the Prime Minister's son listened to every single detail said.

Suzaku Kururugi, the Kururugi heir, the eldest son of Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi. He was listening to their conversation behind the door. His eyes are half focused, and half imagining something else. Do or die? But our people!.... Suzaku thought, it frightened him just thinking of it. He knew that grownups should be brave to do something so cold as that resistance plan, but he discouraged the idea of allowing his people to die with a cowardice filled solution. I must do something about this.

The meeting had finally finished and everyone returns to their resting places. Genbu on the other hand, is called by Suzaku into a private room in the Shrine. As both people enter, Suzaku immediately questions his father.

"Father! What do you mean?!" Suzaku shouts, facing his father with worried eyes. Genbu replied, confused "Suzaku, what are you talking about? We just got here."

Suzaku was afraid, afraid of the consequences of questioning a grownup, but he had to, he couldn't allow such a thing that would be the cause of his people's extinction. "Father, I mean about your plan! Do or die? You can't! You mustn't!" Genbu was mortified that his son was eavesdropping but hid his bewilderment.

"Suzaku you shall not take part in this. I am doing this for Japan, for us. It's the only way that we can fight Britannia without us losing!-" "No father, this is wrong!" Suzaku interrupted, the two seem to be getting angrier as the seconds pass.

Genbu snaps, he yells "Suzaku be quiet! You're just a child that has no experience with war whatsoever! You are nobody to order me with what I command!" He tenses up, preparing for any attack Suzaku might do but instead Suzaku just froze upon hearing a third party's voice.

"In that case let me have that authority" A boy at Suzaku's age walks in, grinning a sadistic smile. "I would like to have a part in this as it is my homeland that's involved."

Lelouch vi Britannia, the 11th prince of said Empire, confidently indulging himself to the fiasco of a father-and-son debate. He had been but a mere hostage during this time, along with his younger sister. The Kururugi family had been sheltering them two for the time being.

Suzaku snaps out of his trance as he questions Lelouch in unison with his father, "What do you mean?/?!". He replied "I'd like to, somewhat, not be a part of Britannia right now. Rather, I'd like to join your side in this war, Prime Minister."

Genbu, who is surprised, gave the young Prince a suspicious and confused look. It's understandable though, a royal prince going against his own empire? Absolutely the rarest thing that happened in the Realm.

He crosses his arms, trying to figure out the trick. "What is it that you want? And what's your reason for this sudden betrayal?"
Lelouch puffs his chest and stares at the man, then stares at Suzaku and stares back at Genbu.

"I am the prince who was abandoned by his empire, it's only fair that I abandoned my loyalty to such. My father allowed my mother to be killed, even though he knew what was going on, and because of it, my sister became blind and crippled! Don't you think that's a good enough excuse to join you? Although, what I want in return might complicate you" Lelouch said confidently, he had already thought of every possible reaction the other two would have. Suzaku, still not believing what he's hearing, shakes. Yes, 🎶just shakes and twitches and flinches in place.🎶

"And what are those conditions?" Genbu asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Lelouch hesitates, knowing if the adult isn't satisfied with his actions in the future then his negotiation here would be worthless.
"In exchange for knowledge to be used against the Britannians, whatever happens to this country, you will acknowledge me and my sister Nunnally as your own property against the public. And you will go to extreme lengths to protect and shield us. I as well would like to add something that concerns of your military service. I'd like to have a rank that of a Lieutenant or a General in your military, any rank that can give me the right to give orders to a number of troops."

So a peace treaty it is, your highness? Genbu thought.
"HEY HOLD ON!! What do you mean a general?! And are you really betraying your own family and country?!" An outburst from Suzaku interrupted the other two's conversation. "How can you do that Lelouch?!"

Genbu's expression became irritated while Lelouch just smiled evily. He responds, "Easy, if the King doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

The conversation ends and a new dawn arises, the sun glows into the sky to create light and nature speaks its mind to the world.

"Introducing, Major Lelouch Lamperouge. I am promoting him to Lieutenant Colonel for his outstanding achievements within our military district. Let us all welcome him, Lieutenant Lamperouge!"

Whispers from several Japanese soldiers start to get louder as time goes. "He doesn't look Asian..." "I've never seen him work here, is he a transfer?" "But that's a kid they're promoting(!)"

Lelouch scans the room with venom in his eyes, then it subsides. "You will be commanding these troops here while you will be accompanied by one of our exceptional leaders here, Lieutenant Colonel Kyoshiro Tohdoh." A high ranking officer spoke.

As Lt. Tohdoh walks in front, he bows a bit and hands his right hand to his younger colleague. "A pleasure to have you in our ranks, Lt. Lamperouge" Tohdoh said. He already met Lelouch when he gave crucial information to him and Genbu about how knightmare frames work. And he has now found out about the deal Lelouch has with the Prime Minister and so he plays along.

"Yes, a pleasure it is indeed" Lelouch replied. You are very exceptional as they say, Tohdoh. However, subordinates are not as great as I thought. I'll transform this military army into one of the best fighters in the world, all to defeat Britannia.

_/_/_/_/To be Continued_/_/_/

A/N: Finally! Chapter 1 is complete! Thank you for reading. 1167 words

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