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Hello, I am BulletZoid! I'm from YouTube and some of you are probably from that platform.
This is the AU I had created in just thought, now I will do it not just by word, but in deed as well.

Just before Suzaku Kururugi, the son of the Prime Minister of Japan, could even think about murdering his father, a young Britannian Prince came into the dark room and ordered a peace treaty between Japan, him and his sister. In exchange, he'd turn on his motherland, Britannia, and sell out information that would be useful in both strategic and tactical battles between the two countries.

What happens when even after 7 years, the two countries are still fighting and the Chinese Federation along with the EU join the war? Will Japan surrender and swallow their pride? Or, will they become one with ancient traditions? You'll have to read this book to find out...

"Do or die? But... that would mean!" A child's voice, that of a young little boy, could be heard as the scene takes place in a dark room. Two figures stand behind a curtain, all black as if they were shadows.

"Suzaku, this is no time for us to argue! Especially with this! You're just a child"

"Let me interrupt that point of view of yours, please." A third party opens the door with a sly grin on his face. Although, it's not visible within the naked eye. "I want a part on this too"


Hopefully I can learn political talk so I can add it here. I've made at least 3 videos previewing the AU, they contain how the characters would look like in their Underworld Forms. All of it is on my YouTube page!

Check me out:
Or just search BulletZoid

Thanks for considering to read this.
//309 words//

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