"You didn't hear?" The other girl pipes up. I thought her name was Amber, but I wasn't completely sure. I shake my head.

"He who must not be named is back." She said. 

"I thought that was something everyone already suspected?" I question.

"Amber, you're leaving out the important part." Iris chimed in. Amber was her name. I was right. Her orangish hair must have reminded me. "He is back. And he is bringing Death Eaters with him. Bellatrix being one of them. You know she escaped from Azkaban. Along with many others that are now following him." 

"What does all this mean? Why is everyone making such a fuss all of a sudden?"

"Well.." Iris glanced around, and looked back at me. "They've done some investigating on what happened to Katie Bell a while back... and she was cursed."

"Cursed with what??" I interjected. 

"Shhhh.. We aren't supposed to be making a big deal out of it, but of course everyone is." She leans in to tell me more. "They think.. he.. put a curse on her." 

I sat in thought for a moment. "But why would he curse her specifically?" I ask.

They both shake their heads. "Don't know. But that's the thing." Amber squeezed back in to the conversation. "They don't think that the curse was for her, ya see." 

"They think it was for Dumbledore." Iris finished her thought. 

"How would Voldemort manage to do that? How would Katie be cursed instead of him?" I was so confused. 

"Voldemort isn't here.. yet at least." Amber leaned in. "Katie was carrying a necklace when her incident happened, right? We're hearing that she was cursed with the Imperius Curse. She had randomly found the necklace in the girl's bathroom at the Three Broomsticks, but no one knows how it got there."

The Imperius Curse. That was one of the three Unforgivable Curses. When casted, the victim is completely under the casters' control. 

"We think the reason she was not injured any further than she was was because she didn't touch the necklace how it was intended to be touched, or else it may have killed her. That's why we think it was meant for Dumbledore, sent by Voldemort."

I was intrigued. I saw first-hand what had happened to Katie, but never thought about the reasoning behind it. I remember seeing Draco there that day in Hogsmeade. There's no way he would be involved in something that terrible, right? I look over at him, only for him to already be looking back at me. He adjusted his stance, broke eye contact, and abruptly left the room. He really has been suspicious lately. 

Later in the afternoon, I was strolling around Hogwarts by myself. Students were running around as if they had somewhere to be on a weekend. I find myself nearing the end of a corridor when I hear arguing up ahead. After a few Slytherins move out of my way, I finally notice Pansy who has Draco practically cornered up against the wall. I slowly move closer to hear what she is saying.

"WHO in the HELL are you going with then?" She seems a bit furious. 

"I told you. I don't want to go with anyone. I don't even want to go. Especially not with you, Parkinson." I assume he's talking about the Yule Ball. There he goes lying about me again. He meets eyes with me, knowing that I just caught him, yet again, treating me as if I was never there. As if we never shared anything special. 

"I thought we had something Dray Dray. Do we not have something special?" She reaches for his wrist. 

He shoved her away. "Don't fucking call me that. Since when have we ever had anything special? All you do is follow me around like a fucking puppy. Since when do you think we've had anything special between us?" He looks back up at me, as if looking for approval for the performance he just put on. 

"But.. I-" Pansy stammers. She turns and finds me where I had stopped to watch this encounter. She huffs, and looks back at Draco, a tear forming in the corner of her eye, and marches away.

Once out of sight, Draco hesitantly walked up to me. 

"So I see you have decided not to go to Yule Ball with anyone." I blurt out rather aggressively. 

"I'm going with you, aren't I?" He asks as if he didn't know what he was doing. 

"That's not what I just heard."

"Don't be like that." He whispers.

"I'm being myself, Malfoy. You, on the other hand, need to figure out which version of you you're trying to be. Because I am not okay with this lying and then making shitty excuses as to why you've lied about me."

"But-" Now he is stammering.

"I am worth more than a lie, by the way." I cut him off and back away to leave. "If you decide to go, then I'll see you at 8:00 at the stairs. If not, then that's on you and I will take Cedric up on his offer to take me." I make my leave without another word from either of us.



Hello friends! I apologize for a rather boring chapter. I just got back from a vacation and I've got a bit of writer's block lol. I'll be back and better than ever soon! Thank you for the support so far!

Let me know what you want to see ;)

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