sapnap watched as the ball slipped effortlessly through the hoop, an easy three-pointer. he made his way to the ball, picking it up and dribbling it to the centre line - which actually happened to be the end of his half-court. just before he could shoot, his attention was redirected by his phone ringtone.

he rolled the ball under his arm, answering the call.

" 'ello!" karl's smile could be heard through the phone.

"hi, wassup?" sapnap asked, going back to mindlessly dribbling the ball as he spoke.

"me and q were just wondering - gonna come out today?" the brunette asked, voice cutting out slightly but not enough that it wasn't understandable.

with the newfound knowledge of the dinner, sapnap wasn't so sure he wanted to go out anymore. "nah i don't think so, i'm feeling a bit under the weather," he dismissed- he wasn't ill, but he was feeling a little bit meh, so it wasn't a complete lie.

a short giggle was heard through the call, the sound immediately brightening sapnap's mood. "sap we can literally see you playing basketball," the brunette exposed, "me and q have been admiring your thighs for like forty-five minutes."

sapnap looked down at the expanse of skin, pulling down his shorts where they had rolled up before redirecting his attention to karl's house to see his two best friend's waving at him through the brunette's bedroom window.

"well i'm not, like, ill," he admitted, making sure to smile widely up at the pair, "but i'm not in the mood. i have to go out to dinner with dream's family and ella isn't even going."

"ha, sucks to be you," karl laughed, and sapnap watched as the shorter of the pair pulled the phone off of him- he wasn't sure why they didn't just put it on speaker.

"i spoke to him last night," quackity started, "he was actually decent."

"pft, okay, sure he is," sapnap replied sarcastically, turning to face the back door as his father called him into the house. "i've got to go, bad wants me, no more thigh content for you guys."

"bye loser," karl jeered, "you better hang out with us tomorrow."

"i will, i will," he agreed, saying his final goodbyes before ending the call.

"so, what's our plan now then?" quackity asked, dropping back onto karl's bed as the brunette got changed.

"i'm not sure, honestly," he replied, pulling off his t-shirt, "i was thinking maybe we could-"

the door to karl's room pushed open slowly, tubbo peaking his head in with a shy smile.

"wassup?" karl asked, snaking his head into a new shirt.

"c-can i have the key for th-the basement?" tubbo requested quietly.

"did dad tell you to come get it off me?" the older brunette asked, knowing that either way he would give his brother what he asked for.

tubbo didn't reply verbally, simply just nodding up to karl.

"okay yeah, sure," the taller boy agreed, "turn around so you don't know where it is." tubbo did as he was told, turning to face the hallways but not before rolling his eyes at karl.

"i still don't get why he can't just have his own key," quackity laughed, watching the brunette reach up to pull the key off the top of his closet.

"because," karl started, blowing the dust off his fingers and patting down his shirt, "it's my room and i'm being kind letting his friends use it." he smiled. "tubbo, i'm about to walk up behind you," karl warned from across the room, checking the brunette registered before walking over, "you can turn around now."

tubbo turned and, regardless of the warning, flinched at the unexpected proximity between him and his brother before taking the key.

"which friends are coming?" quackity asked from his spot on the bed.

"j-just the group," tubbo answered simply.

"so ranboo, holly and tommy?" karl checked, receiving an affirmative hum from the younger boy, "cool, don't let tommy get food on my blue bean bag again, that's calla's fave."

"i won't," tubbo assured, smiling a thanks to his brother before making his way back out the room, slowly closing the door as he left.

"you and your brothers are so weirdly nice to each other," quackity observed, pointing to a pair of jeans when karl held up two options. "i feel like i take the piss out of them more than you do."

"our brothers," karl corrected.

"our brothers, until your dad wants his couch back," quackity retorted, contently drinking from karl's water bottle while the other got changed.

"and when he does, you can have the left side of my bed," karl replied, gesturing to where the ravenette was already sitting. "you're welcome to fully move into my room whenever you want."

"i don't wanna take up your space," he dismissed.

"quackity," karl started, monotonous, looking over to his friend with a straight face. "i own like five sweaters and some nail polish, there is plenty of space."

"i'll think about it," quackity shrugged. "maybe once i can actually pay some kind of rent i'll accept your offer to room share."

"my dad wouldn't accept rent money if you tried to give it to him," karl replied, flopping onto the bed beside the ravenette, "so you can forget about that."

"okay, well i'd like to put money towards the weekly shop or something," the shorter boy attempted to reason.

"don't be ridiculous q, you're seventeen. what job are you planning on getting in our neighbourhood at your age?"

"i don't know," he lied, "i hadn't thought about it."

"okay, well keep not knowing because i don't want you to get one," karl complained, shuffling up to lay against the ravenette's side. "i deserve all your attention, all the time. it's bad enough that you hang out with dream and punz."

"i know dream's a prick to you, but punz genuinely is a nice guy," quackity defended, snaking his arm around karl's waist to pull him closer.

"mhm, i'm sure."

"seriously, you should try talk to him sometime," quackity suggested.

"i think i'll just take your word for it."


i need to tidy my room but like that's so much effort and i'd rather make jewellery...

love u


the boys along the streetWhere stories live. Discover now