-°~Chapter 4~°-

99 4 3

Word Count: 1,210

New chapter y'all💃✨
No One's POV:

Denki gave a yawn as he began to wake up, he went to stretch but found that he was restricted, with a sound of confusion he opened he's eyes to see what was constricting him.

"My.. Sleeping bag?" He thought confused, didn't he fall asleep on a tree?

He unzipped he's sleeping bag before placing he's hand down on the ground, but he's brows furrowed in confusion when he didn't feel dirt, he looked down and saw that he was on a tarp, he looked around and quickly found that he was in some kind of tent, when the actual fuck did he get a tent? No better question, when was he put into a tent?! Where did it even come from?!

In confusion he quickly got up out of he's tent, he was where he originally decided to stop for the night, he just has a tent and he's horse apparently has some food, apples by the look of it, he really hoped Those weren't bad because he'd fucking murder if someone hurt he's dear Zix.

Though he guessed if they planned to hurt he's horse then they would've done so, not give em food along with make sure Denki was taken care of, does it matter though? Someone still knows where he is, so it'd probably be better for him to find another place to rest, it'll have to be near where he heard the music, you know for... Research, yeah Research.

Just... Research.

Denki couldn't help but look around once more before beginning to walk into the forest, he still had to get food after all.

Which meant hunting... Fucking hell.


He couldn't help but huff in frustration as he looked at his arrow, he had missed the deer by a fucking hair and it lodged itself into the tree, officially scaring off his lunch and dinner.

To be honest he didn't really want to hunt a deer, but honestly what else was he supposed to do? A rabbit wouldn't be enough to last even one meal, reptiles were off the table for obvious reasons, lions scared him, and while a dragon would last him he's whole trip he couldn't kill a dragon because, well, IT WAS A FUCKING DRAGON!?


Denki couldn't help but sigh as he put his bow back on his belt, God he was tired, and hungry.


"EEP!" Denki screeched as a large deer was suddenly presented right in front of him.

"Oh dear- I-I didn't mean to scare you! I just saw that y-you were having trouble getting food and well... Got some f-for you!" He heard that oh so familiar voice from last night.

"You! It's you from last night!!" Denki screeched as he pointed an accusing finger at where he heard the voice come from, which was from inside a tree..

"Hm? Oh, yeah it is! Wow I didn't think you'd recognize my voice!" Deku stated happily, as if it was some miracle that he remembered him.

"Of course I would! It's literally the only thing I can remember about you, it's not like I've seen your face or anything" Denki stated as he crossed his arms with an amused huff.

"Okay fair enough" Deku stated, they did shrug but Denki couldn't see that so we'll ignore it.

"Yeah.. About that, could I actually see what you look like? I don't think talking to a bush is all that fun" Denki teased lightly as he uncrossed his arms and put them on his hip,, as fun as it was to talk to a tree he actually wanted to see what they looked like.

I mean sue him! He was curious as to what this person looked like, maybe they were a girl that was super buff, maybe they were a guy that had the figure of a stick, maybe they had long luscious hair that oh so gracefully flowed in the wind like a calm river, maybe they had short Fluffy hair that resembled that of a bush, which would be ironic, maybe they had red or blue hair, maybe brown or orange, maybe it was multi colored like Denki's roommate Todoroki, who knows! They could look absolutely gorgeous and it'd be a crime for a flirt like him to just let someone gorgeous get away from him before he even had the chance to flirt, it'd be a crime!


"Huh?" Suddenly Denki was knocked out of his thoughts on what Deku looks like when Deku himself spoke up.

"Uh.. Well- I-I mean it's not that I don't want to show you or get out of the tree b-but I think i-it'd be better if I didn't!" Deku rambled anxiously from his spot in the tree.

"What! Why would it be better?!" Denki questioned flabbergasted, he thought he'd be so down to get out of that tree!

"I-It just would be! I'm sorry sparky.." Deku apologized profusely, but Denki wasn't having it.

"Dude! This isn't fair, you've seen what I look like it's only fair I see what you look like!" Denki argued as he crossed his arms once again.

"Well technically it would be- b-but you don't wanna see me! I'm- uh, covered in scars! Y-Yeah lot's of ugly scars!" Deku was quick to try and come up with an excuse but Denki still wasn't having it.

"I don't care! Scars are cool and I've spoken to you enough to know your not terrible, I mean you fed my horse, so I don't care, show me!" Denki begged, he didn't care how ugly he claimed to be, he wanted to see the guy that not only brought him back to his camp but gave him stuff to help out with his journey.

"S-Sparky seriously, it wouldn't be a good idea!" Deku stated, soon enough Denki could hear some rustling come from the tree and he could only assume he was getting up to leave.

"Don't you dare!" Denki yelled as he took a step forward, in which the rustling stopped for a moment and Deku stayed quiet for a hot minute, before he spoke again.

"I'm sorry.." Deku apologized before he started to get ready to leave once again, but Denki was already taking action.

Quickly Denki ran to the tree, he looked up just in time to see Deku's foot though the rest of him was hidden, so before Deku could make a run Denki grabbed his ankle and yanked as hard as he could, he heard Deku let out a yelp of surprise right before they both came tumbling down to the ground with a loud thump.

Denki groaned at the slight hurt he felt in his wrist but quickly put it aside once he realized that yes, he brought Deku down with him, in the day light, meaning he could see what they looked like, so in excitement he quickly opened his eyes so he could look at the mysterious person, but his excitement quickly washed away when he saw them.

"D-Dragon.." Denki sputtered as he looked at the admittedly pretty dragon hybrid thing in front of him.

"..Please don't scream"

He screamed.

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