-°~Chapter 3~°-

128 5 9

Word Count: 1,130

Spider lilies are so pretty istg-
No One's POV:

Denki couldn't help but groan as he began to wake up from he's dreamless abyss, he moved he's hand around and sure enough, he felt dirt.

He couldn't help but curse he's dad as he began to open he's eyes, it was still dark so he guessed it was either late at night or early in the morning, he honestly didn't like either.

As he's senses got clearer he could faintly hear something, something like.. music? Who was playing music so late at night? Or.. so early? Whichever, who would play at this moment? No, better question, who would play music in a forest that is known for being a dragon hotspot? Are they suicidal??

Even though it was stupid, Denki got out of he's sleeping bag before he quickly dusted himself off, then he began to venture deeper into the forest.

He didn't know where he was going, but he figured he'd just try to pin point where the music is coming from and fallow it, he steadied he's breath to make it as quiet as possible, moments later he knew exactly where it was coming from, so he quickly made he's way to where the music was coming from.

When he finally got there he gave a heavy sigh, why did it have to be so far away? But besides that, the music was clear now, it was an upbeat tune, there was no one singing but rather people laughing, it confused him if he was being honest, but there was one problem.

It was happening on a large mountain.

He could not climb, a large mountain.

At the thought he gave an annoyed groan before he ruffled he's hair, this was definitely annoying.

"Okay, fuck umm... Well if their human they must have stairs around here, that or they climbed" Denki said to himself with a sigh, so he began to look around but couldn't help but be baffled when he couldn't find any stairs.

Another annoyed groan left he's lips, what the actual fuck! Now he probably had to climb, and without any equipment to help him, though once he got up there it'd definitely be around 3 and he's not fully sure if they'll still be there by then, why did he even want to go up there anyway? Maybe it was he's gut, maybe it was curiosity, or maybe he just needed a distraction.

Either way, he wanted to go up there.

And nothing would stop him!


Everything has stopped him.

He's tried at least million different ways to climb up there and every single time he's either fallen or... Fallen, he's fallen every single time and now he's ass along with arms hurt, so here he was, sitting on the ground, with he's arms crossed as he pouted, he'd already had he's mini temper tantrum so now he was just gonna sit and pout for a but.

Sounds nice to him if he did say so himself.

"Are you just gonna sit and pout all night orrrr"

Denki jumped as he let out a surprised squeak, he quickly scrambled to his feet before he grabbed he's pocket knife and by instinct pointed it in the direction he heard the voice from.

"Woah! Put that thing away, are you trying to get someone hurt?" They questioned, the voice was smooth but he couldn't quiet pin point if it belonged to a boy or girl.

"Well kinda! You scared me and I don't know who you are!" Denki screeched in a duh tone.

"Okay- but like, what if I was a child? You gonna murder a child cuz ya got spooked?" They questioned, whether it was meant to be teasing or supposed to be a jab at him he wasn't fully sure.

"No! I'd never hurt a kid! And besides it's not like I threw it at you!" Denki stated with a huff.

"But you pointed it at me!" They stated accusingly.

"Because you snuck up on me!?" Denki stated as he threw he's arms in the air.

"Hmph!" They said in annoyance.

Denki stuck out he's tough at them in victory, though seconds later he realized he's speaking to a complete Stanger in the woods, they didn't seem dangerous but Denki wouldn't take any chances, so despite not feeling like he's in danger he still kept he's pocket knife in hand.

"Who are you?" Denki couldn't help but question them.

It was quiet for a long minute, Denki honestly thought they may have left, or maybe wanted him to think they left so they could kill him, but that didn't feel right..

"Deku" they stated, officially knocking Denki out of he's thoughts.

"Huh?" Denki questioned.

"Deku, that's what- uhm, that's what everyone calls me, Deku" the now named Deku stated, though Denki couldn't help but feel uneasy at this person wanting him to call him useless.

"But.. That means useless, I may not know you but I definitely don't want to call you useless" Denki stated lowly, almost embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, I'm used to it! Now, what does everyone call you?" Deku asked in an up beat tone.

Denki stayed quiet for a moment, he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell this Deku anything about himself but.. they were already telling him things about them so, he's nickname shouldn't hurt, right?

"Sparky, everyone in my village calls me sparky" Denki finally spoke, making them hum in response.

"Sparky hm? What'd you do to earn that nickname? Start an electric fire? " Deku teased the blond.

"Hah... Something like that, what did you do to earn the nickname Deku? Burn water?" Denki teased right back.

"Pfff- I wish, no I actually couldn't do anything besides break and light things on fire for a lot of my childhood" Deku stated with a chuckle, and Denki couldn't help but give a chuckle himself.

Denki went to ask another question but was suddenly interrupted by a loud roar pricing threw the air, making him flinch, he assumed the other flinched as well seeing as he couldn't see him but he assumed, he heard some noise come from where the other was before a gust of wind came Denki's way.

"I must go." They stated suddenly.

"W-Wait!" Denki screeched as he quickly walked over to where he heard them, but once he was there he couldn't find he's visitor.

After a but of looking he concluded that they were gone, he couldn't help but sigh as he rested himself against the tree that he's visitor was once by, he closed he's eyes as he thought about them.

He vaguely wondered if he'd see them again before he begun to fall asleep.

What a night..

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