-°~Chapter 2~°-

128 4 2

Word Count: 1,154

Y'all are either monster fuckers or is looking for that sweet enemy's to lovers shit

Idk which, but I just KNOW your one of 2, or both-
No One's POV:

Denki almost felt feverish as his father helped him pack.

True to the Queen's words, Hizashi had filled him in on every little detail. the mission was quite simple but giving that he'd be going into dangerous territory, nobody was fully sure on what he was to expect.

All he had to do was camp out there for the 14 days and nights of the dragons. he was to figure out just why so many dragons came here on such specific days of the year and give reports every two to three days. whether it be someone going out to get his report or him coming back to give it to them was fully up to him, he'd be given whatever is needed for his mission and if he were to fail this time he'd be sent there again next year, he was a bit scared honestly...

"Are you all packed?" Hizashi asked, breaking Denki from his thoughts.

"Yeah... Yeah I am." Denki replied as he zipped up his bag.

"Good, now let's get you to your horse," Hizashi stated as he walked out of the room. Denki couldn't help but sigh at his usual aloofness.

His father wasn't always like this, he remembered when he was a happy, loud, ecstatic puppy, but ever since his friend's disappearance many years ago, he's been quiet (very quiet compared to him years ago), and kept people at arms length, it was said he was taken by dragons which only seemed to fuel his hatred for dragons.

With a shake of his head he quickly grabbed his things before he followed his father. the second he was outside he was met with his best friend Kirishima and his father, both were speaking to each other, though it seemed Kirishima wasn't too fond of talking to him, so Denki decided to come and save him.

"Hello Kirishima, hello father," Denki Respectfully greeted.

"Hello Denki, I'll be off, I have stuff that I need to do, don't be to long," Hizashi stated just before turning and leaving.

"Goodbye father..." Denki stated lowly with a sigh.

Kirishima soothingly patted Denki's shoulder, he knew Denki and his father had a very rocky relationship, he was there when it started to become rocky, he was even there for Denki when he's and he's father's relationship became a hallow shell of what it used to be, but even after all these years he knew it still hurt Denki to see he's own father treat him as if he was just another friend that would leave the next day, even so, Kirishima was always there for him, maybe that's why they were so close despite their obvious deference in morals.

Though at the moment it didn't matter, this would be the last time he saw Denki for a few weeks so he should keep he's mind from running at this moment.

Denki brought he's hand up to he's shoulder so he can hold Kirishima's hand.

"So, is my bro gonna give me proper good bye?" He questioned as he turned to give Kirishima a cheeky smile with some finger guns to really give it that Denki Dazzle.

The red head laughed at Denki's antics before he pulled him into a big hug, Denki also chuckled as he hugged Kirishima back, they stayed in said hug for a bit until it was time for Denki to leave, and after a bit Denki patted him on the shoulder signaling it was time for him to go, and with one final squeeze he did so, though he kept he's hands on Denki's shoulders.

"You better come back safe" Kirishima stated sternly.

"Mmmm, I'll come back intact" Denki stated teasingly as he started to walk to he's horse, that was named Zix (I made that up, I don't know if it's a real name), that was indeed named by Denki.

Though Kirishima wasn't chuckling this time, he was worried, he knew this mission was dangerous in really every way possible, if Kirishima had any say in it he wouldn't even allow Denki to go in a forest with potentially dangerous creatures along with very large and territorial dragons, it made Kirishima very angry but he knows not to speak against the Queen's word, he knows what would happen if he dared.

"...Denki I'm being serious, please come back, and come back safe" Kirishima stated seriously as he looked at he's friend, who was now on top of Zix readying himself to ride into the forest.

"Bro chill! I'll be back in a few weeks with this mission over and done with, I'll be okay, maybe a bit adrenalin high but alright!" Denki recurred with a bright smile as he pet he's horse.

With a sigh Kirishima nodded, he wasn't fully convinced but that was alright, Denki would show him he was a strong boy and could do this, and maybe along the way, he could finally get he's father acceptance.

"Right, just be careful okay?" Kirishima quietly asked as he held Denki's hand.

"I will sure as hell try, see ya in a few weeks?" Denki questioned with a shy smile.

"Of course, be safe Yellowstone" Kirishima slightly teased.

"Haha real funny" Denki stated with an eye roll just before he whipped the rains, making Zix take off into the forest.

Kirishima could only watch as he's anxiety grew in he's stomach.

"Please be safe..." He thought vaguely before he started to make he's way back to the palace, hopefully Katsuki would lecture him to bad..


Zix stopped as he made a groan like sound, obviously not wanting to go further, to which Denki couldn't help but also give a sigh.

"Yeah I hear ya Zix, maybe we should set up for the night" Denki stated as he got off of Zix.

The horse only sat himself down on the comfy grass in response, Denki only gave a chuckle before he grabbed the tent from it's pouch, only to give a noise of confusion seconds later.

"Wha- Where's the fucking tent?!" Denki screeched in confusion, just before he felt something like paper, quickly he grabbed whatever it was.

No surprise it was indeed a thing of a single folded paper, quickly he unfolded it to read what was written.


Hey Sparky
I see you've found that your tent isn't in here, I know your probably wondering why and the answer is simple

Because you don't need it
You'll figure out something, you always do, have fun!


Denki slammed he's head into he's hands before groaning loudly, maybe he didn't want to get he's father's acceptance after all.

Somewhere in the village Hizashi is cackling in amusement, tho Denki was not amused.

Fuck he's life, seriously.

The Night Of The DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora