Chapter Eleven

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(Second P.O.V)

There had been many theories about how you became so heedless. Since you were involved in numerous extracurricular activities, when you failed to show up and acted differently, word spread like wildfire.

Cupid, however, could care less about the whispers, she had you and that was all that mattered!
As you both walked through the school's halls, Cupid sighed softly, putting her head on your shoulder as they strolled.

"Oh, Y/n...." Cupid whispered dreamily.

There were only a few hours left until True Hearts Day, and she had taken care of the preparations, so for now she could relax with her beloved. However, a certain news reporter interrupted their peaceful stroll.

"Hello fellow fairy tales, with me today are C.A. Cupid and Y/n L/n!" Y/n waved at the camera, looking somewhat surprised that she was being interviewed.

"So, Y/n," the young reporter began. "What are the deets about your relationship?" She bounced on her feet.

"Rumor has it that you and Cupid are dating!" You looked at Cupid instinctively, and Blondie followed your gaze, but soon dropped it when she saw your intertwined hands. 

"And I suppose the said rumours are true!"

"The couple is just right!" gushed Blondie. "Aww, shucks, Blondie!" cooed Cupid with a light chuckle. It wasn't long before the bell rang, signalling the beginning of class. Meanwhile, Cupid had other plans.

"Charm you later, love!" She gave you a quick peck on the cheek before heading off to the Party Planning Committee clubroom, where she would meet up with her friends; Briar and Hopper. Cupid sent the two a friendly wave and soon after walked over to a wooden table.

It held many baskets filled to the brim with sweets and fresh, red roses.

Briar interrupted her thinking with the impatient shout, "Ever After to Cupid!". "Y-yeah?""The baskets, "Aside from her light brown eyes, her head also pointed to the baskets. Despite her sassy posture, Briar couldn't help but smile inside. "How's it going, Cupid?" Briar asked, all the while picking up a basket. "Just hexcellent!"

Everything's just been just so-" Cupid's phone rang at a loud volume, interrupting her.

Indistinctly, she reached into her dress pocket and removed it, as her curiosity soon turned into happiness, causing a toothy smile to form once she saw your hext.

Yep, that's right, you hexted her! She couldn't believe it either! You were so sweet! You took the time out of your day to message her! She held the phone close to her chest happily, squealing, but stopped when she realized Briar was still there. She cleared her throat awkwardly, "I-It's been ever-so-awesome, is what I meant to say...

"...Good for you, you seem so happy!..." Briar replied softly.

"But let's get back to business, Cupid you go from class 1-5, I'm 5-10, Hopper, 10-15, do you guys understand?"

Both nodded in agreement.

Hastily, Cupid picked up a single basket and made her way to Class 1; Science and Sorcery. Within a few steps and a simple push, she was inside the classroom. Cupid reached for her notepad in her dress pocket and began calling out students' names as she placed their valentine's gifts on their tables. One by one, names were called out until only one remained.

"Y/n L/n!" Cupid shouted, her tone loving and upbeat. On your desk, she placed three roses and a chocolate bar. Sure, she used her position to her advantage, but it didn't matter! She had to show you she loved you!

She blew you a kiss before she left, causing some of your classmates to 'aww' or gag. Yet, she couldn't care less about the reactions she received. The only one that mattered was yours.

Love-Struck || Yandere! C.A. CupidDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora